Activity Overview
The USS New Jersey is the most decorated battleship in U.S. history. Located just a few miles from Philadelphia in Camden, New Jersey, the historic battleship now serves as a fascinating naval museum. Visitors can explore the immense ship on their own or on a fact-filled guided tour, as well as enjoy attractions such as a 4D Flight Simulator. The museum also frequently hosts family-friendly special events and overnights for scouts, as well as naval-themed birthday parties for children.
Things to Do
- Explore the battleship using the Fire Power Audio self-guided audio tour, which features stories from former crew members as you explore the navigation bridge, galley, admiral's cabin, and more.
- Enjoy the Turret II Experience, an interactive guided tour which includes loading powder bags and pulling the trigger of the massive gun.
- Check out the 4D Flight Simulator, which allows riders to experience a battle over Iwo Jima in a Seahawk prop plane that takes off from the Battleship.
Battleship New Jersey Insider Tips
- If you have a Girl Scout or Boy Scout in the family, they can participate in special sleepover activities on the USS New Jersey while earning badges. You can learn more about scouting programs here.
- Be prepared to navigate tight passageways while exploring the ship - if you aren't comfortable with small spaces, you can stick to the main deck or take a video tour of the battleship instead.
- View their calendar to learn about upcoming events such as family overnight encampments.