With all of today’s modern technology and the advent of social media, busy working mothers can stay in touch with friends and family across the country and all around the world. According to Pew Research
Do you remember the early toddler years when everything a child asked was “why”? In some twist of irony or fate, it often feels that our teens have regressed back to questioning everything with “why?&rdqu
I received a Kindle over the holidays and much to my amazement, I am hooked. I thought I wouldn't be able to adjust to the lack of having a real book in my hands, but in fact, because of its size and mobility
Getting dressed in the morning can mean tantrum time for many families. Each child has different temperaments when it comes to getting dressed for the day. Each of my children is totally different when it comes
I've recently been touched by some parents reaching out for support as they raise their special needs children. As a former special needs teacher, I have a special place in my heart for those children that
We know that new fathers need a little guidance in what exactly a new mother needs when caring for a newborn. Often, dads feel left out and early confidence building will encourage a father to take on parenting
There are many things we can do to protect our children online. Teenagers, most especially - don't fully understand, how their photos, videos and comments can potentially create problems. During this season of
When I was a teacher, I learned about this very cool idea—The Bias Free Classroom—I even had a guidebook from the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). I was delighted by
New, stay at home moms or dads will find that late afternoon until children's bedtime will be the most challenging hours of the day. These hours are often packed with routines (meal, bath, and bed) at a time
Bathrooms can be a very dangerous place for kids. We often take it for granted that our children will just be in those places for brief amounts of time, but it's imperative to childproof bathrooms as soon
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