Parenting With all of today’s modern technology and the advent of social media, busy working mothers can stay in touch with friends and family across the country and all around the world. According to Pew Research   Do you remember the early toddler years when everything a child asked was “why”? In some twist of irony or fate, it often feels that our teens have regressed back to questioning everything with “why?&rdqu   I received a Kindle over the holidays and much to my amazement, I am hooked. I thought I wouldn't be able to adjust to the lack of having a real book in my hands, but in fact, because of its size and mobility   Getting dressed in the morning can mean tantrum time for many families. Each child has different temperaments when it comes to getting dressed for the day. Each of my children is totally different when it comes   I've recently been touched by some parents reaching out for support as they raise their special needs children. As a former special needs teacher, I have a special place in my heart for those children that   We know that new fathers need a little guidance in what exactly a new mother needs when caring for a newborn. Often, dads feel left out and early confidence building will encourage a father to take on parenting   There are many things we can do to protect our children online. Teenagers, most especially - don't fully understand, how their photos, videos and comments can potentially create problems. During this season of   When I was a teacher, I learned about this very cool idea—The Bias Free Classroom—I even had a guidebook from the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). I was delighted by   New, stay at home moms or dads will find that late afternoon until children's bedtime will be the most challenging hours of the day. These hours are often packed with routines (meal, bath, and bed) at a time   Bathrooms can be a very dangerous place for kids. We often take it for granted that our children will just be in those places for brief amounts of time, but it's imperative to childproof bathrooms as soon   Children love to give gifts to the people they love. The gesture of a gift means almost more than the actual gift, and the way a gift if presented can be as much of a treasure as what's inside. I love having   While most adults get a little anxious before a new experience, these feelings are often magnified in the minds of youngsters.
Imaginations can go wild at the thought of a visit to the doctor or dentist, or   The holiday season is a time to build lifelong memories with your family. Traditions building up to Christmas can be as memorable than Christmas day. This time helps you to bond and reconnect with loved ones, friends   Preparation for toilet training is very key to a successful milestone of having your child use the potty by themselves.
Here are some simple potty training tips and items that are easy to do at home.
The   Do you shop in your very own town and community? Are you shopping local before your head to the big box stores? Did you know how beneficial it is to your local economy to spend money in your own small shops and   No parent wants their child to get sick over the winter, here are 5 foods that will help keep your kids out of the doctor’s office.
The same plant that is used to ward off vampires is believed to help   Bringing up daughters is a unique journey for a father. There is no doubt there's a special bond. Parenting is a joint venture, but with fathers just as active participants as mothers, the outcomes   I recently had a very scary emergency and needed to think on my feet! Thankfully, I have created this sheet a long time ago. So worth the time to do this.
Creating an Emergency Information Sheet is a valuable   Children usually don't need any encouragement to play – it’s in their genes to do it, and offering toys in which to play safely is vital. Who doesn't like to play with toys? Did   Recently, I noticed an interesting sign posted on a second grade classroom door in my daughter's school. It said, "How Full Is Your Bucket Today?"
I was curious about this and asked the classroom teacher   "Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." -Emilie Buchwald
Reading to your infant is one of the most rewarding gifts you can give them.
With rapid development that occurs  "Raising teens can be soooo exhausting!" I have heard so many parents make comments similar to these, but yet I just have not had any real problems with my teens. My oldest son is now 21 and my youngest  Conversation is becoming a lost art in today's high-tech, electronic society. As a parent, you are your child's first and best instructor in how to communicate effectively through spoken dialogue. Family mealtime  One of the major concerns that plague every good parent’s mind is child safety. It is our job as parents to do all that we can to protect our children. Unfortunately, that can prove more difficult in this  I bought this book for a friend of mine who is dealing with her son's separation anxiety. The main character of this book is afraid to leave his Mommy and start school and this is written from the  I am a busy mom always of a beautiful boy always looking to share my knowledge with other moms. Are you a busy mom also? Do you have an iPhone? If you have answered yes to both questions, I might have something  Do you ever wonder how long you can keep a food item. Well worry no more. is great website that all answers on whether you should keep the food or toss it out. For a when-to-toss guide  The "Un-Sport" Child By Meghan Gardner, Guard Up! Inc. If you spend time around children, you will inevitably discover the "Un-Sport" child. This is the child who does not enjoy  Keeping kids minds fresh during the summer months is important! Trying to get the kids to read a book can be a chore for kids for who do like to read Luckily Scholastic Summer Challenge is here  I have a 9 year old that doesn’t like to read anything even though my husband and I are avid readers. I wanted to find a few books that he would like over the summer.
The Big Book of Boy Stuff by  As a working mom, trying to get that work life balance is so important. Parent’s magazine has 10 tips to help you balance your life and stress less. The Working Mom Balancing Act 1. &nb  Books are a wonderful gift to give during the Easter season whether you read a story before the actual holiday, or add one to a child’s Easter basket. I love to fill books in an Easter basket rather than  A few months ago I spent $10 on a tool that has made life so much easier! In our household, we call it "the grabber," but it's actually called "The Gopher," as seen on TV, or generically  Are you tired of having a car payment? I have been for years always thought I would need a car loan. I bought my last car free and clear-it wasn’t brand new but only 3-4 years old. I paid cash and I  Baby BumbleBee Vocabulary builders is an interactive DVD set to a selection of Mozart's Music and is sure to entertain and educate. Words and pictures like train, animal names, body parts.   Social skills come normally for most children however children with autism or other development disorders these skills take need a lot of practice even more. Sandbox Learning has developed a series of online  There are so many options for baby skin care products that it can be overwhelming. As a new mom, it's important to find products that are tried, tested, and have great reviews. Your baby’s  Hallmark has come out with some great new recordable storybooks. These new recordable books allow you to read the story in your own voice to a child. You maybe a grandparent that wants to read  I often play the what if games about my son with autism, he is only 9 but not too many years down the road he won’t be in school and I wonder what his life will be like. If the years immediately following  As a mom of 3 boys, I know my kids grow so fast and that they outgrown their clothes fairly quick. Who really wants to deal with the hassle or craigslist or ebay or pay a ton of money for brand  Are you a school teacher, a cub scout or girl scout leader and looking for ideas to take kids for a field trip? Field Trip Factory is a great place to find out where local business allow children groups to  In order to save money at our house, we cut the kids hair. It is nice fairly easy style that my husband can do with an a Conair hair clippers kit that we bought from Target for  To ensure that your child is growing his language development skills as much as possible, parents and caregivers must incorporate speaking directly to their children as part of their daily activities. Check  Has your child begun using the computer and showing an interest in using the internet? Kids are becoming aware of the internet at an early age thanks to children's television stations and shows promoting  Are you ready for a baby? Have you been trying to get pregnant with no success? This is a great resource site to help you along and possibly give you some tips and tricks on getting pregnant sooner  Everyone knows that extra-curricular activities are good for children and that they encourage healthy development and positive self-esteem. In fact, some kids thrive on being a part of many different activities  Clean your room I feel I say every morning to my children.
As a mom of 3 boys, sometimes their bedrooms can be messy. Organizing their room can be a bit chaotic. My kids   If you are like me you will most likely be making some New Years Resolutions to get your life in order whether it is money management to getting healthy to quitting smoking The Week online magazines  When kids hit the pre–teen years, insecurities begin to creep in. Many adolescents start to worry that they’re not popular, good–looking or smart enough. In fact, it’s common for  Parents of small kids or parents of special needs kids know just how fast the boredom can set in when in waiting room for a doctor or dentist. One weapon against a waiting room meltdown is something 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home