Family Games Get your kids outdoors this summer and scavenging for the abundant treasures that they will find in nature. Armed with a well thought out list of items to find in their outdoor environment, they'll eagerly look   Quell boredom with this easy to set up and play Marshmallow Launch Game. This is a game where flinging food is actually encouraged. Players are divided into teams of two where there is a launcher and a catcher   Enjoy the fun non-competitive game of Sounds Charades. This game is a fun and interesting twist on the classic game of charades, except that you can make sounds instead of body motions. Players of all ages will   Mix things up out in the yard today with a game of Crab Soccer. Crab soccer follows similar guidelines to the traditional game of soccer, except for the silly positioning that the players must remain in during   Try playing The Blindfolded Artist Drawing Game for family game night tonight. In this game one person from each team tries to draw the word he or she sees on a card while he is blindfolded. The members of both   Sidewalk chalk is such a fun and calming activity, yet it sometimes leaves you at a loss of what to draw. Try making Chalk Body Tracing Portraits with your friends and family members and marvel at the chalk masterpieces   Stay cool and have lots of laughs on a hot summer day when you play the Dump the Cup and Pass the Water Game. This game is a great boredom buster on a warm day that will certainly jazz up the mood on any low energy   Enjoy the What Am I Guessing game with your family and friends. In this hilarious game, everyone playing will know the answer to what the guesser is, except for the the guesser himself. This game is fast paced   Play a game of Monkey See Monkey Do and see just how sly and sneaky you can be. This game is much like the game of Simon Says except that players more discreetly follow the lead of the selected monkey and there   When the weather is nice and the kids want to get outside and play and schoolwork still awaits them, try out a game of Spelling or Vocabulary Building Baseball. This activity is played out similarly to regular   Have family members and friends partner up for this classic backyard game. Wheelbarrow races are best described as a two-member team race in which one team member holds the legs of the other, as if they are holding   Challenge family members to a fun family game that uses pool noodles and balloons. This game is intriguing to watch, as the instructions and the competitive nature of any contest reveals a definite struggle in   Create a volcanic eruption right in your own backyard when you Build a Backyard Volcano. Enjoy the science of acids and bases and make fun use of the chemical reaction that occurs between baking soda and vinegar   Mix things up a bit and play a game of Water Balloon Volleyball. This game follows the rules of traditional volleyball, except that instead of a volleyball, you will be using a water balloon. Volleying will ensue   Set the stage at home for lots of giggles and capture the magic of childhood and family on film. We have all seen the popularity of photo booths at weddings and other party events. The photos taken and shared   Gather some handy items that you have at home to create a beanbag tossing game. Create your own colorful bean bags and use a step ladder from the garage to create a cool backyard game that all of your family will   If you are looking for a way to cool off on a hot summer day when the temperatures are at their peak, add this Funtastic Frozen Clothing Race to your activity list. Surprise your school aged children and adults   Surprise the kids by hanging a special dessert treat to a tree branch and announce that you will be Bobbing for Donuts! Sometimes, the element of surprise is the very best way to capture the memories. This activity   Hold a fun family relay or play this entertaining twist on a relay race at your next party. Adults and children of most age groups will have a blast with this unconventional Backyard Popcorn Cup Relay Race   Create a large chalkboard right in your own backyard. Bring Art and the Outdoors together with this super fun family project which will keep the kids happy for many many hours of outdoor play. Kids love using   Young budding archaeologists are certain to enjoy this fun and exciting Frozen Dinosaur Egg activity. These Iced Over Dinosaur Eggs are super easy to make and are sure to gain the interest of all children who   A pack of cards is easy to take with you and provides the perfect outlet to bust boredom. Mix things up by playing something new this time around. School age children will love this card game. The object of   Become a detective in your own home by learning how to dust for and lift fingerprints off of any shiny flat surface. Every single fingerprint is unique and different and you can identify people by their exclusive   Limericks are one of the most fun forms of poetry. The reason limericks are so much fun is because they are short, funny, they rhyme, and have a bouncy rhythm that makes them easy to memorize, and they are all   Play a classic card game of Rummy with your family. We are always thinking of new and unique games for our family, but it is important to not forget about the tried and true classic games that have entertained   If you are having trouble motivating your family to help clean up the table after dinner, try the I Spy a Clear Table Game which will get everyone actively involved in accomplishing this daily task in a way that   Plant and grow a pizza garden in your own backyard. Get the kids excited about eating their vegetables with this whimsical pizza inspired garden. Many of the traditional plants that you would grow in your garden   Yarn Ball Story Weaving is a fun and relaxing way to get those imaginations flowing in a unique game format. This game is great for all age groups and can be played by two or more players. I think the more tight   Create your own personal terrarium, tend to it and watch it grow. Children and adults alike will enjoy creating their very own small personal gardens, otherwise known as terrariums. Learn how plants grow and give   Writing handwritten letters has become quite the lost art, but oh what a treasure and treat it is to find one in your mailbox. My kids ask if they got any mail on a daily basis. I often respond to their disappointment   Try playing music with a blade of grass while playing outside or camping. This is a fun activity to try as a group, as it takes some trial and error to learn the skill. When you achieve the desired result, you   A favorite playtime activity in our house is creating a Domino Run. This activity is accomplished by lining dominoes up in a continuous line that is straight or curvy or spiral in shape. You stand them up on one   Enjoy the classic card game of crazy 8s with your family or friends. Crazy 8s is an easy game to learn and can be played anywhere with a simple pack of playing cards. The object of this game is to discard all   Try building a house of cards with a friend or family member. This used to be a pretty standard activity when I was a child. I remember making many a card house both independently and also with a friend. This   Create a set of Pool Noodle Hurdles and get you whole family up and running out in the backyard. Whether you treat it like an obstacle course or a track and field event at the Olympics the results are just plain   Make some recycled bottle cap boats and set up a Foil River Regatta right in your own backyard. Young children will enjoy creating their own waterway and racing their homemade boats down the river. Be prepared   Add a fun new twist to backyard bubble blowing by using recycled materials to make your own Bubble Snake Bubble Blower. Children of all ages will frolic at this easy to make variation to traditional bubble blowing   Slow down the pace of life a bit and let your imagination soar into the clouds with this cloud watching activity. Choose this activity on a day when the sky is mixed with blue skies and clouds that are drifting   Create a little excitement for Mathematics by holding a Math Fact Scavenger Hunt right in your own home. Preparation for this fun game event is easy and only takes about 10 minutes to set up. Why not surprise   Keep inquisitive minds of all ages engaged and sharp by playing the classic Game of Twenty Questions. The object of this fame is to ask up to 20 questions questions that can be answered in the form of yes or no   Get the kids excited about gardening by engaging them in building and growing a Bean Fort. Children of all ages will enjoy being a big part of the growing process and caring for the plants that they are growing   Play the game of Don't Eat Pete and keep players young and old coming back for more. This silly game of chance is quick and easy to play and appeals to all age groups. There are some small sweet treats involved   There is something very magical about making forts during childhood. I remember making them when I was a child and this and fun and exciting experience should not be missed by today's youth. Uncover the magic   Red Light Green Light is a classic and fun game to play that players of all ages can have fun with. Older generations may even remember playing this game when they were kids so it brings back a little piece of   Play the classic basketball game of H-O-R-S-E with a friend or family member or in a group. Not only does the game present a fun and creative challenge, when you play you will also be practicing your basketball   Be prepared for loads of laughter and fun in an experience where the game of Telephone intertwines with the game of Charades. This game can be adapted to any age group simply by adjusting the clues that are created   The goal of the game of Spoons is to try to get 4 of a kind and to be one of the first to grab a spoon. One person in each round will always be without a spoon, earning them one letter in the word S-P-O-O-N-S   Celebrate your family now and later by collecting favorite pieces of children's artwork, photos, letters, nostalgic objects and more. Preserve a moment in time and stow it away to be opened at a set date in the   Wrap a plethora of elastic bands around a tennis ball in a criss-crossed pattern of wrapping to create an Elastic Band Wacky Ball. Due to the unique and uneven wrapping patterns that unfold as you wrap the bands   Embark on a treasure quest, explore the great outdoors and get lots of exercise with the fun and engaging family activity of Letterboxing. Letterboxing is a treasure hunt to find hidden boxes all over the United 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home