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Letter Writing Family Activity

Indoor Free
Educational Games

Activity Overview

Writing handwritten letters has become quite the lost art, but oh what a treasure and treat it is to find one in your mailbox. My kids ask if they got any mail on a daily basis. I often respond to their disappointment by asking them if they have sent any letters to anyone else. You see, you increase your odds of receiving a letter in return to one that you have written.

As a family, you can get everyone involved in this activity and revive the lost art of the friendly letter. You can start simple and send a letter to a friend or family member which is certain to brighten their day. As you get more comfortable, think of some other people that you might want to write to in hopes of getting a response.

You can write to a company about a product, a famous actor or actress, or a sports figure, teacher, or other idol. Enjoy the excitement as a family and have the receiver of the return letter share his or her letter with the group. You will be amazed at the wonderful habit that you will be starting once you get started.

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • pen
  • Envelope
  • stamps

How to Do It

  1. Grab a paper and a pen and select who you would like to write to.
  2. Write a Heading: Includes the address and the date. In some cases, it is OK to just write the date.

  3. Write a Greeting: The greeting usually starts with 'Dear' and is followed the person's name and then a comma.

  4. Compose the body: After skipping a line, you begin the body of your letter which is the main text of your letter. Indent for each new paragraph.

  5. Add a closing: The closing includes a short capitalized expression such as Sincerely or Love and is followed by a comma. Skip a line after the body before writing your closing.

  6. Signature You sign your name beginning directly below the closing.

  7. Fold the paper up in a trifold.
  8. Insert it into an envelope. Seal it and place a stamp on the upper right hand corner.
  9. Write the address in the center of the front of the envelope and your return address in the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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