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Make a Terrarium

Indoor $$

Activity Overview

Create your own personal terrarium, tend to it and watch it grow. Children and adults alike will enjoy creating their very own small personal gardens, otherwise known as terrariums. Learn how plants grow and give yourself a small manageable area to maintain and care for. It is a great lesson in responsibility and teaches respect for the wonders of nature.

Keep in a warm and sunny spot and water it when needed. A terrarium is very easy to care for. Check on it every day and stick your finger in the soil. If it is dry, then add some water to it. Examine the bottom of the terrarium. If there is water among the stones then you should not water it for a few days.

Materials Needed

  • A container
  • An odd number of plants with carrying leaf shapes and colors.
  • 1 bag of potting soil
  • 1 small bag of stones or marbles for the bottom of the terrarium
  • water
  • sunlight

How to Make It

  1. Lay a one inch layer of stones in the bottom of your selected container.
  2. Next, fill the container about half full of potting soil
  3. Select 3-5 plants with different color and leaf shapes from each other.
  4. Remove the plants from their plastic pots and arrange them in your terrarium.
  5. Move this arrangement around until you find something that is pleasing to the eye.
  6. Once you have found an arrangement that you like, fill the rest of the container with potting soil and gently press the soil down around the plants so that the plants are it down so it is firm so that the plants are supported in place.
  7. Water with a moderate amount of water
  8. Place the terrarium in a location where it will receive moderate sunlight.

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