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Family Games

Enjoy this quick and easy game of logic and strategy. We love to play this game at restaurants which is where we learned it initially from a children's menu. We have been playing it ever since. The object of the
Tongue twisters always bring on the giggles in our family. The kids love challenging each other to say the silliest of tongue fumbling twisters. One day when they were stumped and curious to discover more twisters
Toddlers are always ready with a helpful hand when it comes to daily household tasks and they love to mimic what their role models do. Sometimes this involves undoing things like those laundry piles that were
Create your own homemade building set from simple sponges and a pair of scissors. If you are like me, you are oftentimes looking for great activities that are mess free and travel well. I am usually toting around
Create your own building set with craft sticks and velcro dots. Toddlers and school aged children will have great fun with this fabulous quiet time activity that they can assist in making themselves. Children
Static Electricity is not the only attraction in this game. Little ones will love playing this neat fishing game that they can create and play. In this activity, static electricity is created on the ruler and
Never has the art of deception and sneakiness been so much fun. Doggy Doggy, Where's Your Bone is a game that I used to play my elementary school classroom when I was a child. It was one of my favorites, so I
Enchanted Hands is a fun family game of pure imagination and This game does not require any supplies and can be played anywhere from around the campfire, in the car, or simply for family game night. Players
Musical Hoops also played as musical rugs is one of my favorite games for kids. The game of Musical Hoops is based on the game of Musical Chairs but with a more pleasant and friendly twist. In this game, players
Players will be jumping through hoops to play Hula Hoop Races. This game can be played in two different ways. It can be played as a race between small teams or it can be played by one small team that races the
Add some pizzazz to hula hoop play with the Circle Hoop Game. In this game, players will join hands while a hula hoop is introduced and linked to their chain. The object of the game is to move the hula hoop around
Create the perfect fort or reading nook for your backyard with this tutorial for a Hula Hoop Hideaway. In a couple of easy steps and a shower curtain set up and a hula hoop you can build yourself a breezy private
Explore the fun that comes from playing a game of chance in the game Odd Bean Even Bean. Family members of all ages will frolic in the random guessing game where players conceal a number of beans in their hands
If you are looking for something different to play with a deck of cards, try reintroducing the classic game of Slap Jack for a little friendly competition and fun. Slap Jack is an easy game to learn and will challenge
Engage your family in a fun game of questions. Children are always loaded with questions of all kinds, but the trick to this game is to have the questions connect in meaning. Players need to ask questions in a
Create your own furious summer rainstorm with this follow the leader activity which actively involves players of all ages.In this activity, players will follow the directions of the leader's actions while keeping
If you don't have a large group or you find yourself on your own for a while, keep the fun rolling by playing an enjoyable game of Seven Up. Seven Up can be played by one person per ball so as long as there is
Enjoy this fast paced card game of actions and giggles which is great fun for the whole family. This card game assigns signals to different cards and as they are discarded, the players need to participate by performing
If you are looking for a quick and easy activity to occupy the family when boredom creeps in, try out these simple paper and straw rockets. They are easy to make and are based on the concept of that tempting urge
Assemble a quick and easy toy catapult for hours of fun. This little project is a great boredom buster which elicits some fun activities for inquisitive minds of all ages. After the catapult is assembled, you
Capture the Flag is a great fast paced, strategic and interactive neighborhood, party or family game. Both teams hide a "flag" and the object of the game is for each team to navigate the opposing team's camp and
Have fun with this great boredom buster activity that family members of all ages with enjoy. In a few easy steps anyone can create this fantastic Floating Ball Activity. I remember having one of these as a toy
Mix things up at your next family game night or outdoor gathering with a game of Glow in the Dark Ring Toss. Keep the supplies on hand in the event of a power outage to keep the family entertained until the lights
Upcycle those inexpensive pool noodles and create a fun and fabulous game of Pool Noodle Kickball Croquet. Family members of all ages will enjoy some active time together out in the yard creating and playing this
Create your own Sunflower House in your backyard this year and you will uncover a secret garden of wonder with your children. Building a sunflower house is an easy and rewarding project for adults and children
One of our favorite backyard activities is our Homemade Backyard Tight Rope. Children of all ages and skill levels spend endless hours walking the tightrope in the yard with friends. It may take some time to get
Children of all ages will feel larger than life while marching around the yard on their homemade Juice Can Stepper Stilts. I nostalgically remember having my own set of these fun toys and trouncing around with
Mancala is a game that has been around for centuries and is traditionally played on a wooden board with small stones or glass pieces. Create your own game easily at home with recycled materials and get in on the
Create your own Ziplock Baggie Doodle Pad with only a few short steps. Little ones will enjoy learning their shapes, letters, and number or simply drawing with their finger or other soft ended tool. When you want
Story Stones are easy to make and make a fantastic educational and relationship building activity to enjoy for years to come. We keep our story stones in a decorative basket and bring them out for family game
One of my favorite toys when I was growing up was a Rhythmic Ribbon Wand. We found an easy way of creating that magical childhood spark with this homemade Ribbon Rhythm Wand. Little ones will adore dancing around
This homemade Tarp Throwing Target Game is sure to please your family and your friends. This game is easy and inexpensive to make and can be easy stored and used for years to come. Hang this tarp target in the
Keep your toddler happily entertained with this simple paper tube wall activity. Little kids will enjoy the repetitive play while learning about cause and effect and even colors. Engage with your child and ask
Capture yourself inside a giant bubble when you play using hula hoop bubbles or simply create enormous bubbles with a hula hoop as your wand. Bubbles are so magically fun for adults and children alike. Try out
Quell boredom and keep young minds engaged for hours with this easy to make pool noodle marble run racetrack. In a couple of simple steps, you will be on your way to the races. Use any elevated structure around
Does the weather have you stuck inside and you are wondering what to do to occupy your active children. Try creating a sticky web out of painter's tape and allowing kids to crumble up and throw pages from magazines
Recycle those paint swatches and turn them into a color hunt game that your kids will love. This activity can be done indoors or outdoors and will keep children actively engaged in the world around them. Create
Add a new exciting twist to the classic bowling activity with Glow In the Dark Bowling. Everyone seems to love the fascinating glow in the dark phenomenon. Why not make your own bowling pins that glow and bowl
Add some pizazz to practicing flashcards and math facts by experimenting with Fizzy Math! Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division just got a whole lot more exciting! Kids of all ages will have fun with
Get your child engineers ready for a sweet and fun engineering project using marshmallows and straws. Builders of all ages can build amazing structures with these two easily accessible materials. As the build
Explore number bonds as children learn their math facts with these simple pipe cleaner number bracelets. Focus on an individual number bracelet at a time and use the beads to break up the number into parts. You
Families and friends will have a sweet time playing the M&M Straw Game. The object of the game is for the player whose turn it is to suck up as many M&Ms as possible using their straw and place them in
Engage your family or group's creative thinking and acting skills by setting the stage for these fun Paper Bag Skits. This game is originally meant to be played in very small groups, yet can easily be adapted
The Name Game is a fun game like charades but actors are allowed to use words and actions to convey the identity of the person listed on the slip of paper that kids or families draw out of the jar or bowl. Players
One evening while having Family Game Night, our family created a secret handshake using suggestive input from all family members. Now, not only do we have a family handshake, but family members now have unique
The object of the Cut the Flour Game is to have players take turns taking slices out of the flour sculpture without disturbing the prize on top. Strategically speaking, your true aim is to make it so that the
Families and friends will enjoy the laughter and camaraderie that The Ha Ha Game brings. The Ha Ha Game is a fun and free activity that is sure to get players smiling and livened up. This activity is great for
Enjoy a new twist on the traditional game of hide and seek. The Game of Sardines is certain to leave players giggling up a storm before the game is through. Children and adults alike will not only enjoy looking
The Master Bubble Charmer is a fantastically fun family friendly game which can span in appeal over a large age range. The object of this game is to get the bubbles through the hula hoop using only your breath
Families are so scheduled these days that they need to make more time to laugh and connect with one another. The Very Best Family Game Ever is the kind of game which will have people conspiring, getting active
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