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Glow In the Dark Bowling

In & Outdoor $
Party Games, Backyard Games, Relationship Building

Activity Overview

Add a new exciting twist to the classic bowling activity with Glow In the Dark Bowling. Everyone seems to love the fascinating glow in the dark phenomenon. Why not make your own bowling pins that glow and bowl a few rounds. This is a great family or friend activity that you can play in the house or outside in the yard after dark. You are sure to have a glowing good time with this unexpectedly delightful spin on bowling.

Materials Needed

  • 10 plastic water bottle
  • Water
  • 10 Glow sticks
  • Soccer, basketball or playground ball
  • Glow necklaces for lane construction ( optional)

How to Make It

  1. Select 10 water bottles and fill them with water.
  2. Activate your glow sticks and place one glow stick in each of the bottles of water.
  3. Replace the caps on the bottles.
  4. Line up the bottles on a flat surface with four evenly spaced bottles in the back, then three, then two and then one like bowling pins.
  5. If you like you can frame out your alley lane with straight glow necklaces but it isn't necessary to do so.
  6. Designate the line in which you will bowl from.
  7. Each player takes turns rolling the ball down the lane to try to knock down the pins.
  8. Keep score if you like. If you want to score it like a real bowling game, follow the bowling scoring rules accordingly.
  9. When one turn is over, have another player stand the bottles back up in the same manner for the next bowler.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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