With the development of digital photography upon us in the last few years, just about every child wants to have their own camera, whether it is part of a cell phone or a dedicated digital camera, this can be much
Assuming that you have a digital camera selected or purchased for your child already, you can begin to instruct them on the art of photography and treat the digital camera as a tool and not a toy. Many kids just
Guitars for Kids was a subject that I often had to deal with from parents that had the desire for their children to play this enticing instrument. I gave guitar lessons to kids for many years and tried many methods
As the first break of the school year approaches, many parents may be looking ahead to that really looonnngg break....the one we call Summer Break! I know it may seem like eons away until summer arrives, but many
Sensei Steiner is an extrordinary instructor. Through his tactfulness he teaches his students honor, respect, and comradery. He is not afraid of learning new things and then passing it on to others that are
As the world is getting to be a smaller place, so are classrooms. Celebrating Kwaanza, and Diwali, the festival of lights from India, are getting more commonplace. Diwali is celebrated on the lunar
Most local libraries offer story time once a week for infants- toddlers. Some offer story and crafts for toddlers- preschoolers. More programing for tweens-teens including movies and story discussions. As
I found a fun website that includes recipes, interviews, and pictures all focused on cooking with rock stars. You'll find all sorts of stars; Jack Black (movie actor) and Chris Walla (Death Cab
Archiver's, the scrapbooking store, has locations in many different states. Not only can you find all of your scrapbooking supplies there, you can also attend free workshops and classes at your local store
I was looking for help in teaching music and came across this interesting site. www.childrensmusic.org It applies to all elementary ages. I liked the fact that it promoted all phases of learning music and that
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