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Crayon Scratch Art

Indoor Free
Art Projects

Activity Overview

Crayon Scratch Art was one of my go to art projects when I was a child. I remember how much time that I took to diligently perform the processes just so that I could marvel at the end result each time. I decided to try this one out with my own children and it was a big success. When the technique is complete, you can etch patterns, designs, writing, or drawings.

Basically, you will be creating two layers of thick crayon surface on one piece of paper. First, you start by pressing firmly and building the colorful design base on the sheet of paper. Next, you follow up by doing the unthinkable and completely coloring over all of your beautiful artwork in a thick layer of black crayon. Lastly, use a pointed stick like a toothpick or an etching stick and scratch away at the black crayon surface. With every scratch that you make to the surface, you will reveal hints of your vibrant masterpiece below.

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • Colorful crayons
  • Black crayon
  • Toothpicks or a pointed skewer

How to Do It

  1. Color a sheet of paper completely while pressing firmly with your crayons. Try to make the page vibrant with a design of many colors. I like to make a pattern of medium width lines and swirls.
  2. When the page is full of vibrant heavily waxed color, color over the entire drawing with a thick and heavy completely black crayon overlay.
  3. Use a toothpick or etching stick to scratch the surface of the black crayon and draw a picture, make a design or write a message. The colorful drawing underneath will be revealed as your scratch away at the surface.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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