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Drop the Coin into the Bottle Trick


Activity Overview

Engage your friends and family in this crafty magic trick which challenges a volunteer to get the coin to drop into the bottle after it is resting on top of a folded toothpick. They can not touch any of the items or shake the table.

Now, as a performer, you should always have a cup of water handy on the table handy. In this trick, you will use that cup of water and some magic words to complete the task. Simply dip your fingers into the water discreetly, hold your hand above the folded end of the toothpick and drip a droplet or two of water onto the folded end of the wooden toothpick. The water will absorb into the wood of the toothpick and the toothpick will open up allowing the nickle to drop into bottle.

Materials Needed

  • Empty soda bottle
  • A Nickle
  • A toothpick
  • A small cup of water

How to Do It

  1. Place an empty soda bottle on the table.
  2. Bend your toothpick in half so that it is still connected like a hinge.
  3. Place the v shaped toothpick on the top of the mouth of the bottle.
  4. Next, place a nickle on top of the toothpick.
  5. Select a family member or friend and challenge them to get the nickle into the bottle without shaking the table, touching the bottle, the toothpick or the coin.
  6. When they are unable to perform the task, simply dip your fingers in the cup of water that you have out for yourself.
  7. Hold your fingers over the folded end of the toothpick, say some magic words and allow a drop of water to drip from your fingers onto the hinge of the toothpick. The toothpick will open up and the coin will drop in.

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