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Education Resources

As a child, I switched schools quite often.  My parents worked hard to prepare us for changing schools. They did everything they could to make the transition easy for us and all of my changes went well. I
Thankfully, there is lots of great kids educational software that's now available free on the internet via websites.  However, my favorite has always been the Reader Rabbit software that's been available
My daughter does not like studying for her spelling tests. In fact, she really, really hates studying for them. Earlier this year, I'd spend at least an hour a day arguing with her about going over 15 words. 
Finally, get your kids to study!  While you might not ever make it fun, you can create easy and effective study habits. It’s always a challenge helping your kids study a home. But if you try and make
During a recent flight I met the young author Sarah Peralta.  She is the author of All About My Brother.  Sarah was just eight when her book was published...simply amazing.  But more so
This awesome website called Kid-Friendly Search is divided into school subjects including math, language arts, reference, and others. Each category has several websites. Each website has several activities, games
This is a fun site that's great for kids who are in the process of learning multiplication or will be doing so soon.  There are several games that help teach the multiplication tables
My daugher doesn't like to do her homework. Like most parents, I feel that education is important, so I fight non-stop with her to get her homework done. I've even been known to do her homework for her
You may have heard of Bill Nye, the science guy.  I "stumbled-upon" (also a great site, btw) his site called the eyes of nye while browsing the web today.  The site puts forth
I love this game! The Roll-a-Gingerbread game is an easy game to make and even better to play! Another great tip and idea from My Montessori Journey - she just amazes me with her fun ideas youngesters.
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