Fashion & TrendsI'm REALLY upset to hear of the dangerous levels of lead found in handbags, purses and clutches made of man-made material by companies I trusted. Please see the settlement in the link I've posted http://www.ceh  Save money these days by seeing what is already in your closet and how you can make it work again. This article gives many wonderful ideas for revamping your old clothes and jewelry into new and exciting pieces  I found this great website to shop for handbags. Their product line is really stylish, yet inexpensive. BagHaus is a helpful place if you are shopping for a gift. I found some handbags under $20. Be sure and check  My friend picked me up for our daily walk this morning and she was wearing one of these cute skirts from Skirt Sports. She looked adorable in it and she said she's so comfortable in them! Check them out  I went to a craft fair here in Charlotte this weekend and saw some of the best handmade stuff! One of my favorite items came from Zoe bags. Zoe bags had some great purses in all shapes and sizes.   I had no idea until recently that Ashley Judd had her own clothing line. I was so happy to see the stylish and comfortable tops, sweaters  Even though I don't fancy t-shirts all too often, I got a kick out of some of the t-shirt selections at Darling Mummy. My favorite is this one and will buy it soon. Check them out at Darling Mummy  Check out these fabulous Scrabble Tile Pendants at Presentbydesign. These beautiful pieces use reclaimed tile pieces from my favorite game, Scrabble. I just adore the 'junk boat' tile and the  I forgot to pack a belt while travelling but I had a pair of plain black leggings. I got creative and took the leggings, straightened it out and wrapped it around my waist making sure that the bottoms of  An entire drawer in my bureau is brimming with sunglasses. The same reason I have different sizes of shoes. One of the many costs of pregnancy. Why? For mothers-to-be who undergo many physical changes, body parts  It's finally time to put away the winter clothes. Here is a nice, quick article with some tips on how to store your leather boots so they look just as good when you take them out next autumn (ugh!). For example  This online clothes store has cool merchandise including many exclusive, hard-to-find items. I find this store unique because their inventory changes frequently to keep up with fashion trends. The store originated  This year, we intend to go to Boston for the 4th of July! I usually get patriotic tshirts and skorts at Target, but I found the coolest hairclips by Gals With Girls! Check out this bow! It's going  No more dress shirts, tanks, blouses, or dresses on the closet floor! We've all experienced it: Those looped string thingies to keep dresses and shirts on hangers have to be cut off! But if you do, your  A few months ago I was in need of some cool mom shoes - funky & trendy to wear for a night out with my husband but without the achy feet. I had to go to Payless to get new ballet slippers for my  Are you a working mom on the go? If you have to dress professionally in your workplace, do it right. There’s an art to picking out the perfect suit. By dressing in a suit that fits you well, you can highlight  My husband LOVES his Crazy Shirts from Hawaii! The catalog is filled with wonderful prints, styles and colors. The quality is first rate and you will love them! Fun Valentine’s Day Gift! Your little girl will love a bracelet, necklace or watch with adorable Hello Kitty accents. Look into a Hello Kitty charm bracelet with heart charm as a Valentine’s  Many of your favorite '80s fads are making a comeback. Case in point: the ankle boot. Today's ankle boot has a sleek modern look, and the trend is to wear them with A-line minidresses and skirts, or under  Get colorful and original gift ideas at With help from this site, you can outfit your entire family in the hottest aprons and cozy scarves of the season. Wrapable's Jessie Steel Cafe Toile Apron  Love perusing thrift stores for vintage jewelry and clothing? Then you'll love the Relic Boutique, where classic buttons make for charming rings, brooches and pendants. Take a peak at the boutique's hair  SPANX catchphrase: Glam Up Your Gams! Ditch grandma's girdle or pantyhose for SPANX! A trendy new support hose named SPANX is loosening up the undergarment industry. For years, women looked for an easy solution  The beautiful work of Alaskan artist Judie Gumm is truly special. Her "acorn" jewelry is a unique gift for your special friend! :) Have you ever seen that designer bag that you just had to have but knew you couldn't afford ? Well this site lets you "borrow" your favorite designer bag. NY Times calls it "a NetFlix for bags"  Fun & Unique no-slip hair clips for children of all ages. Boutique hair bows, barettes, vinyl and nylon headbands, hair bow holders and much more! Very low shipping and great prices!  The Hollywood Purse Hook has to be one of my more "interesting" tips on Familyzip! While shopping at CVS, I stumbled on these pocketbook hooks for tables. I looked at them with amazement  I found Zappos online shoestore when I was looking for Minnetonka moccassins, which are very difficult to find in stores. Zappos has free shipping both ways, so buying the wrong size is never a problem. They have  Everybody knows, the best part of back to school is the shopping- not for the ‘back to school' clothes for the kids, but the ‘drop the kids off at school and look great' clothes for the moms.   Okay, I'm an oilcloth fanatic, maybe it has to do with my European heritage, I have no idea why, but I scour the internet for anything oilcloth and boy did I find a treasure in my own backyard of Newton - Flee  I recently purchased a beautiful necklace from Texa's artist Bethany Fields from Creative Sparks Studio. My necklace was a thank you gift for a dear friend, one of those "nothing special"  I just stumbled on this CUTE cell phone/ Mp3 covers called "Poppets" from Fambee. I really have no idea which one I'm going to buy, but the kids have their favorites - now I need TWO cell  I just bought one of these paw print pocketbooks-which are a take off on Luis Vuitton bags. They are adorable, and I love the idea of making fun of the designer bags while showing my love of animals. There are several  Mommy Tags uses silver from recycled film to produce unique jewelry that's one of a kind. I'm most impressed with how they get their product - by recycling, bravo! AND produce a cool product  We have threee children under 6 so it is always difficult to purchase enough clothes on our budget. I have started spending $20.00 a month on online clearance. I go to JCPenneys and Kohls mostly because they have  This is another great place to buy handbags and other type of accessories. Looking for a cute madras tote bag, grosgrain ribbon belt, bracelet, headband or key fob? Gorgeous preppy accessories - "for all your pink and green needs... Practical, Popular & Preppy"! Take  Looking for something pretty for the new (or even not so new) Mom? Beth Philbin at Heart on Your Wrist creates unique Mommy jewelry. There are many styles, and many different ways that each piece 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home