My daughter made this Deep Dish Sweet Potato Pie at her Create a Cook class (see my tip about this fabulous cooking school). The recipe is a little involved, but it is so delicious, I couldn't stop eating it
These 8 foods have one thing in common, their advetising campaigns are excellent! Effective advertising makes consumers put these foods into their shopping baskets day after day. I consider myself nutritionally
As we buckle down and prepare to implement our New Years Resolutions, lets not forget some simple tips about healthy eating and weight loss. I know this advice sounds simple but turns out that "Eating Less"
To make a quick and easy dessert that is a little special first make a 13x9 pan of brownies as directed. Add about a quarter to a half teaspoon of mint flavoring as desired. Use a bit less if you have
Not a big surprise, but your brain is literally what it eats, just like the rest of your body. Start off the new year right by feeding these brain-foods to your children. Here is the article that lists
Here is a simple idea for a themed center piece that serves as a delicious snack as well. This is also a great item to take to a Super Bowl party at a friend's house and is sure to be the hit of any
My sister made this Caramel Apple Cranberry Baked Brie with French bread at Thanksgiving, and all ages devoured it instantly! I am making it for my holiday party this year, and probably every year from now on. We
Here is an unusual meatloaf recipe that’s tried and true and will keep them coming back for more! This recipe is so simple that even the most cooking-challenged person in the world can make it. It
Thanksgiving has passed and you're about to prepare the next all-important dinner-Christmas feast. Did you get the gravy liquidy golden brown? Not too watery? Not too thick and chalky? No too oily or fatty?
I have made spaghetti pie before, and everyone loves it, but I sort of made up my recipe. Here is a terrific, easy, quick recipe from Emeril that really works for spaghetti pie. OK, it's not the healthiest dinner
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