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Fresh Snack Ideas for School


In most schools these days, parents are required to supply snack for their children.  This mid-morning boost can get boring for kids after a while.  We have some healthy ideas for this week.  If you need some allergy-friendly suggestions, visit Peanut Free Plant.  

Snack Ideas

  • Popcorn Flavored rice cakes
  • Tortilla chips
  • Granola bars
  • Fruit bars
  • Newtons Fruit Thins


  • Cheese sticks
  • Greek yogurt (try mixing with Nutella and freeze)
  • Frozen yogurt tubes

Fruit and Veggies

  • Apple slices
  • Baby carrots
  • Snap peas
  • Orange wedges or mandarins
  • Grapes - we love them frozen!
  • Cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes
  • Frozen watermelon wedges
  • Cranberries
  • Raisins
  • Apricots
  • Yogurt-covered raisins

Kids Love Dip

  • Graham crackers or animal crackers dipped in yogurt, peanut butter, almond butter or Nutella
  • Chips dipped in salsa
  • Carrots and celery dipped in hummus
Great ideas! I've recently discovered: Trader Joe's organic olive oil popcorn Carbonated Polar Water in cans vs. juice boxes Trader Joe's Oyster crackers (the best!) Kirkland (Costco) Real Sliced Dried Fruit Clif Bars for Kids (we like the Brownie flavor)
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