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Getting Kids off the Couch with the Kinect


With the winter keeping most people indoors, so does the amount of exercise and activity level for the kids.  We have the Kinect for Xbox and that definitely makes the kids and my hubby and I break a sweat.  If you are new to the Kinect and are not sure which games to invest in, here are my suggestions:

Both boys and girls will love the Wipeout games based on the popular tv show - there is Wipeout, Wipeout 2 and Wipeout 3.  My 9 and 7 year old girls play this and after an hour straight, they are huffing and puffing from all the jumping, running etc.  You get so into it and don't realize how much energy you use.  I did it with my youngest and can vouch for the fact it is tiresome!

Both boys and girls will Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports - you just get so into the games that you want to move around more.

Girls will like the Dance Central games - it is like the Just Dance games for the Wii where you copy dance moves and dance routines. You're working out with music and it is fun.

Boys will like Star Wars where you fight like a jedi.  My hubby played this and this has more upper body movement but he liked it  He looked awfully silly but he said it was fun.

Mommies will like Zumba - it's like taking a class in the privacy of your own home.

We definitely stay active with these games and have not gotten bored of them at all.  Enjoy!

Fun Things to Do at Home
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