Health & SafetyHere's an interesting (and somewhat gross) article about some semi-common kids health issues. Apparently, the top four "grossest" ones include: Pinworms, Lice, Ringworm and scabies. The  In the August 2009 edition of Prevention Magazine, an Iranian study warns that people who drink tea too hot (2 minutes after it's been poured) are 5 times more likely to develop esophageal cancer than people  Great resource to guide you to proper health related resources for home and hospital. This is a free service to help navigate you through a mountain of resources available for all ages, from housekeeping  My 9 year old daughter has been a chronic thumb sucker since she was born. A few months ago our dentist told us my daughter's thumb sucking was causing several problems with her permanent  Please Read Immediately if you have a baby or toddler!! There is a huge recall going on now concerning baby swim seats, which were supposed to be safer for baby in the pool. Read this and find out which models are  Sleep better for less with the tips in this article. For just two of many examples: Tape a soothing sound like a running shower, wind in the trees or the ocean waves. You will save a bundle on white-noise machines  Did you know that there are more than a million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. every year? Did you know that the FDA still hasn't finalized sunscreen standards from 30 years ago? Did you know  Nestle USA on Friday voluntarily recalled its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products after a number of illnesses were reported by those who ate the dough raw. The company said the Food and Drug Administration  Bummer. One of my favorite cold remedies has been pulled off the market. Zicam has warnings on three Zicam Intranasal Zinc Products. There is evidence of anosmia - a loss of sense of smell. Chilren are  Lycopene, an antioxidant most readily found in tomatoes can increase your skin's defense against the sun. The most concentrated way to get your lycopene is by eating 4 tablespoons of tomato paste a day  Asthma attacks are scary, not only for the individual experiencing the attack, but for loved ones who listen to the asthmatic wheeze and gasp for breath. While many prescriptions help ward off an impending  It is something we do dozens of times a day and even more if we parent young children. Hand washing is often overlooked as one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of viruses such as the flu  If your older children have questions about swine flu, this web article offers them information in an age appropriate way without worrying them. Or it might be a good read for parents to better be able to  If you are traveling to Mexico or/and if you are a concerned traveler/citizen, follow these links for useful information on the swine flu. Is it safe to take your kids to Mexico? - Traveling Mom Centers for Disease  Breastfeeding being good for a baby's health is an undisputable fact with tons of research backing it. New research suggests that breastfeeding can benefit a mom's health as much as the baby's.   One of my daughters has an extremely hard time falling asleep. She's been that way since she was very small and it's been difficult on our whole family, to say the least. Even worse, she often wakes  If you are going through a divorce and you have children, it's extremely important that you take steps to make sure that child custody issues are worked out immediately, even in what you think is a friendly  Every parent's worst nightmare is that their child will go missing or be kidnapped. Thankfully, it doesn't happen that often, and despite what you see on the news, most children who are kidnapped  A friend of mine was raving about this diet plan that she's been using called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. She has lost a lot of weight and she's looking really good - so I had to check it out for myself. Here's  Sleepwalking affects something like 17% of all children. I never experience a sleep walking child until I had my youngest daughter, who started roaming the house a few months ago. Sleepwalking is normally  Do you dream of buying a treadmill, but the price is putting you off? Do you wish that you could buy a cheap treadmill that was also high quality? If you are patient and get a little creative, you should  Every child, whether in school or daycare is exposed to head lice. You don't want to think about your child having lice, but even the cleanest child will bring them home eventually. They can get them from classmates  HEPA air purifiers are the ultimate in obtaining great indoor air quality in our living spaces. These air purifiers can remove nearly all type of pollutants by effectively removing dust, allergens, mold, micro-organisms  Black mold is found in your home. What is the next appropriate step? If the black mold is contained to one area of your home follow these tips to prevent its spread to the remainder of the home. Before you do this  If the relative humidity in your home exceeds 55% you may be have conditions that are prime for the formation of toxic black mold. Your first step to determine if you need a dehumidifier is the use of a quality  One of the first things you should check in the prevention and cleanup of toxic black mold is the humidity level of the air within all areas of your home. I have found this high-quality hygrometer or moisture meter  Many children like to wear and play with sunglasses because they look cool. However, sunglasses serve a very valuable purpose as well. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), UV rays  You or your children accidently stayed in the sun too long and now you have sun poisoning. Chances are you're pretty miserable - you might even feel like you have the flu and you likely have chills.   If Black Mold and the formation of it is of utmost importance to you, (and it should be) consider these tips to prevent it from forming in the first place. Preventing the formation of toxic black mold is far easier  I grew up in Florida, and every year my cousins from Michigan would come down during their spring break to visit us and work on their tans. One year, a cousin and her friend came down and sat by our pool for an  Cold sores, usually found near the mouth, are caused by the Herpes virus. While they don't pose a serious health risk, they can be painful and can also cause you to feel seriously self-conscious.   Colds are a fact of like and there's not much that you can do about them once that your child comes down with one, except to wait it out. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do to help prevent the  Just yesterday, I came across an advertisement in a parenting magazine that said in a reassuring tone that high fructose corn syrup was harmless. Yeah, right! Honestly, we already have enough reasons  Black Mold. The unwelcome resident of our homes. Follow these tips on recognizing the signs that black mold can be living with you. Refer to my article on the Health Risks of living with black mold. One of the  Black mold. The very mention of that word sends shivers down our bodies. I had a black mold problem and I did some investigation on this issue, how to stop it, what caused it and how to get rid of black mold. First  Parents play an active role in helping their kids develop a positive self image. While we try to be great parents most of the time, there may be times when we unintentionally  Doesn't it seem like there are just some people who never seem to get sick? Maybe you are one of them!?? Well if you are wondering what their health secrets are...check out this article I found on WebMD. Of  I wanted to recommend for all moms to use cloth diapers for their babies. Here is why: 1. Any cloth diapers are healthier because they're free of chemicals. They are better for preventing diaper rash  When my normally articulate 3 year old started stuttering, I tried to brush it aside thinking that it was just a phase. However the 'phase' continued long enough for me to consult her school's spe  Calcium is important to everyone from the moment we are born. We all need calcium to help build strong bones during our growing years and we also need it to maintain our bones as we grow older. Learn  As you can tell, I'm geting ready to take off on a trip and looking for info to help prepare me and the family. Jetlag is always such a struggle when traveling. Here's an article with a quick list of tips  I know from my personal experience that every time I start to work out, I stop couple days later, because I get bored with the same exercise routine. The other problem that I have experienced is that I work out  One of my trusted lifesavers when I had babies has been recalled - Mylicon Gas Drops. Please investigate the info and make sure you don't use this lot of the gas drops. From the site: Tue  It is not just adults, but sadly the word stress is a part of every child's vocabulary these days. My 11 year complains about being stressed often, and while I advice him to breathe deeply, and take it  Ikea recalled some of its blinds after a child died from choking on a piece that can come loose. Also, blinds with loops and unattached cords have been recalled from other companies, including Green Mountain Vista  Do you toss and turn at night? If you do, you probably are more tired of the take a hot bath or drink warm milk type of generic advice that comes your way than your insomnia itself. Years of staying  Happy-Neuron is an online brain fitness site that has developed games that improve your brain's ability to focus, memorize, develop better visual spatial, and language skills, and make your executive functioning  I just saw on Good Morning America that some styles of Victoria's Secret bras are giving women rashes, welts, itchy red splotches and worse. There is a class action lawsuit starting up if you have been affected  Yes, it is true, an apple a day keeps the flu away. Quercetin containing fruit, and vegetables like apples and broccoli, are proving to have a role in fighting off the flu virus. Read this article to  A collaborative effort of Explore at Bristol (a science centre in UK), and Wellcome Trust (a UK based biomedical charity), your amazing brain is a site where you can get to really understand the inner workings 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home