I have an elderly friend in the hospital and have sent her flowers each week, but I wanted to send something a little different this week. I found Gift.com and purchased the perfect gift!
We recently visited a farm with Recycled Tire Swings - my daughters adored the horse version of this swing, I found that they also make them in Dragon shapes, too!
We've been losing teeth around here - seriously...my girls' teeth safely fall out of their mouths but once they are placed under their pillow the "tooth-fairy" is having trouble FINDING them
My kids have always loved magnetic toys of any kind, especially those little silver balls and colorful rods. But now that they're older, they are beginning to slow down how much they play with them. My cousin
Stroll-a-Tune is another fabulous product that's smart and needed for parents on the go! Just attach this mini-radio to your stroller and you're good to go for your daily dose of sunshine and exercise with
We went through a lot of baby gates - and most of them were big, ugly and clunky. Often, various pieces on them would get broken and we would have to get a new one. Then we found the Kiddy Guard gate. 
I can't handle a pocketbook...my arms need to be holding on to nothing but what belongs to my two daughers at any moment and that includes their precious little hands!! I ALWAYS carry a backpack - but it
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