I love stores that think global and Pacifier in Minneapolis carries Fair Trade clothes from Global Mamas for kids. Check out their website for their beautiful clothing selection!
The Nika TUCKler will be THE next gift for my next baby shower this winter. This website has the most amazing outdoor blanket gear for babies I've EVER seen. This Canadian company has solved
The Land of Nod has the most "delicious" (if I can say that!) furniture catalog for kids! I have purchased the vanity and art table with much success - great quality for pretty good prices! 
Looking for the perfect holiday dress, picture day outfit, or flower girl dress? Take a look at The Wooden Soldier's website and catalog. They find the most amazing kids special occasion clothing
I heard about this site today on NPR, and it is a great resource, with all the toxic scares that we have been having. As a result of looking at this site, I also found out that my favorite toy maker, Melissa and
This is a great single player strategy/thinking game for kids and adults. Rush Hour is a game that challenges your "sequential thinking skills." We like it because kids can play on their own and there
My daughter turns 7 next month...where did the time go! We always purchase a very special birthday outfit to celebrate. I just found this great website called Liliputians/NY that has wonderful clothes
New website selling onesies with cute printed messages for Mom. Such as "Thanks Mom. You're the best.", etc...I thought it was a great gift idea for parents of a new born.
If you can't find diapers that you like for your babe, try Pampers Cruisers. I love them! They are very flexible and soft- easy to get on (even when your 11 month old is trying desperately to escape!)