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Riddle Me This and Riddle Me That

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Riddle Me This and Riddle Me That

Play a game of riddles with this collection of silly riddles that will both stump your brain and having you laughing at every punch line. Riddles are fun and are a great way to fill the time and make connections. Riddles are worded in such a way that they act as a puzzle to be solved. Families are sure to enjoy this fun collection of riddles.

What starts with T, ends with T and has T in it?

A teapot

If you know me then I am nothing, but if you don't, then I am something, what am I?

A riddle

Why do chickens lay eggs?

Because if they drop them, they will break.

II have all the knowledge you have. But I am small as your fist that your hands can hold me. Who am I?

Your brain

What has two big ears, a trunk and is not an elephant?

Mickey Mouse going on a vacation.

I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills. What am I?


Scientists are trying to find out what is between earth and heaven. Do you know?


What is the word that is spelled incorrectly in all dictionaries?


What stays where it is even after it goes off?

An alarm clock

You're in a deep, dark jungle. You have a matchstick, a wooden stove, and a lantern. What will you light first?

the matchstick

I am lighter than air but a million men cannot lift me up. What am I?


What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

A penny

No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?


What stays where it is even after it goes off?

An alarm clock

What is the difference between a spear of broccoli and a boogie.

Children will not eat the broccoli.

You're in a deep, dark cave. You have a matchstick, a wooden stove, and a lantern. What should you light first?

the matchstick

Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards?


What can you put in a wood box that will make it lighter?


Fun Things to Do at Home
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Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
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