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Sledding Tips for Families


Sledding is one of the most popular ways for kids to soak up the fun of the cold winter months.  It's also great exercise while having fun at the same time.  But unfortunately, thousands of children are injured every year. We have a some tips to make this time outside fun for everyone.

Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind the next time you head out to sled.

  • Modern Sled. Invest in the best condition sled you can get.  Please don't use the old school sleds with the metal blades. Try to get select a sled that had runners that you can steer.  This will give the rider more control and it's safer.
  • Clothing. Make sure you are prepared for the winter conditions - ski-pants, warm coat, gloves and hat. We recommend a helmet for kids under 12 years old.
  • Plan your route.  Always take a look at what is in front of you before you head down a hill.  Be patient and mindful of others around you! Try and take into consideration any possible hazards in your way and plan accordingly.
  • Evacuation Tip. If you find yourself out of control on your sled, simply roll off and onto the ground.  Your sled will can be retrieved after it has stopped.
  • Sled with an Adult. Always have an adult present when you are sledding and adults can help kids avoid taking risks while sledding.
  • Places to Avoid. Never sled on a street, driveway, or places you are not familiar with.
  • Avoid Icy Conditions. Yes, your sled will fly over the terrain, but you are risking your safety in a big way by sledding on it.
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