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We are currently dreaming up our design to transform our circa 1988 bathrooms to the new the time we renovate, the '80's style may be back in...but we don't think so!  We found this
There are many cellphone recycling programs that get cellphones out of our trash mounds, but I like the program that ReCellular has.  You can recycle your phone AND make donations to causes
This is such a great website, you can't really put it in one category! The Clean Home Journal is full of great recipes, tips on how to clean and organize your home, ideas that can save you money, and much more
When we re-did our tiny half bathroom located off of our kitchen, we decided to scale down to one cabinet underneath our sink to save space.  We kept a lot of medical supplies in there and I had to be
Global Balance products (both cleaners and personal care) are simple, environmentally friendly and very fairly priced.  I use the Baby Shampoo and Body Wash for my son- it's fragrance free and free of many
Do you hate having cats camping out on your property and calling it home?  I have that problem and I am not trying to be a mean person but my neighbors let their cats roam the neighborhood for
Do you want to grow a vegetable garden but have limited space? Try growing tomatoes in containers! Tomatoes are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. This article offers advice on various types of tomatoes that
We just purchased the Hamilton Beach Stay or Go coffee maker about a month ago and we LOVE it.  My husband and I are coffee drinkers and with two young kids, we are always making coffee.  This does 3
My girls outgrown their clothes SO fast and I often have bulging drawers with clothes they don't wear and I need to donate - PRONTO! TIP: Store and empty basket near the changing table or dresser, or under
This short article gives all the information you need to have a blow out yard sale. For example, What room has the most junk? Is it the kitchen, bedroom, garage? Check every corner of the closet, the shelves, etc
If you know you need to start your spring gardening but don’t know what to do first, the Month by Month gardening books will help you out.  They are organized by subject, such as Roses or Lawn, and then
Don't throw away your old socks! Well maybe the ones with big holes... Socks - especially tube socks - make GREAT dusting rags. AND, you can just slip your hand into the sock to dust your things. What
Recycle your Kleenex Boxes! I got this tip from RealSimple magazine. Use your empty kleenex or tissue boxes to store plastic grocery bags wherever you need them around the house. I am using this method to store
Here you find some great suggestions on beginning a Container Garden.  You will descover how to grow onions, lettuce and even potatoes in containers.  Believe it or not, you can even grow these vegetables
When cleaning eyeglasses and sunglasses, it is important to use a material that will not scratch the lenses.  So many items are too abrasive and will damage the lens.  Avoid paper towels, clothing
My kids always have toys, books and snacks all over the car so I found this great organizer with a top that can be used as a mini table for their snacks.  If you scroll down the website to the red colored car
Wine tasting is a good way to widen your palate or simply have some fun. Whether you’re an aficionado or a casual wine sipper, visiting a winery is a good way to learn more about the technique of wine-making. You
We get so much artwork home from school every day that I'm not sure what to do with it all.  One gadget that helps us with our overflowing artwork problem are those magnetic strips you can find at the
They don't call this a miracle for nothing: Nature's Miracle Just for Cats is the only product I've ever tried that really truly works to remove the odor from a cat's decision not to use her litter
Cats love to jump and climb. Jumping on the bed, climbing trees and even your dresser may be acceptable. Keeping your home clean and sanitary, especially the most common area-the kitchen is important for your health
Hydrogen Peroxide may hands down be the cheapest cleaner out there!  I've seen it in CVS for 39 cents!  This article gives you ideas of how to use hydrogen peroxide to rid various surfaces of things
There are times when my husband has been on business or away for the night when I wish I had an alarm system, just for an extra sense of security.  My mother-in-law received an email with this idea and I thought
Here's a triple treat-save money, save the earth and provide lovely, clean clothes for your family. This article explains exactly how to line dry your clothes for the best results. It sounds obvious, but since
This article has such clever ideas on how to get free plants for your garden. Some examples which are explained are discards from neighbors, cuttings from friends, discards from stores, restaurants and parks, and
This artilce privides several interesting ideas and tips about sprucing up your house with painting and being frugal at the same time. For example, if you have some inexpensive prints that you love, but they are
Before you paint your room or buy your new spring wardrobe, read this article on the psychology of color. In addition, check out the links in the article: color phsycology quiz, what is color?, what colors mean
One of the best and most effective organizing/de-cluttering tips I have incorporated into my life is the following: For just 15-20minutes a day I choose one room only and just go at.....pick up the toys, shoes
Is your family toying with the idea of getting a dog? Check out the Dog Breed Finder feature on Dogster. The dog breed search lets you search by dog size, behavioral traits, level of grooming required, activity
Do you cringe every time you need to go to the gas station because gas prices are so high?  Well, take a look at these tips for improving gas mileage to save money and increase the time between your fillups! 
Check out this illustrated article on how to make an elegant and easy birdbath which is also inexpensive. It gives tips on placement and design, such as put your birdbath in an open area, where birds can view oncoming
I was looking for an alternative to the bags that Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have been selling to move away from plastic, and I came across these options: Envirosax has cool designs and an over-the-shoulder
As parents, most of us will experience color crayons on our walls at some point in time. A great tip to remove the dreaded crayon from walls is to take a damp cloth/rag and soak it with water & baking soda. 
Loft Party has the most adorable tableware for kids! I especially like the "chopstick kids" - chopstick utensils with an adorable modification making the utensils easier for the little ones
Here’s a great tip my wife told me about the other day. She heard it from a friend of ours in the professional insulation and energy conservation business.  We’re all aware that one of today’s
Duck Tape products has a useful and creative section of their website that allows users to post all the unique ways in which they have used duck tape to solve their common household and misc. problems. I admit
Indoor air can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air.  Common culprits include benzene (solvent used in gasoline, oil, paints, plastics and rubber), TCE (dry cleaners, printing inks, paints, lacquers
No one likes to do chores, including me and my family. Being aware of the power of labels, I decided to rename our "cleaning time" to "home appreciation time". This simple shift in labeling
Vinegar seems to be my best friend of late!  I have a 14 month old and two dogs and the idea of chemicals/toxins in our home can be a bit scary and overwhelming.  When we begin to climb that mountain of
We've been composting for many years and we just heard about this great composter discount this past year. We bought the expensive composters from Gardeners Supply Company in Vermont and they are great. But
If you're thinking about composting to be more eco-friendly, read on. If you're composting and have not found the right pail, try this one. We compost even during the winter, but the only thing that makes
This is put out by the EcoMom Alliance. I especially like item #10- Play more.  It has dual benefits.  Your kids get up off the couch and you get to turn the television off. They also have
I just wanted to let people know about my blog I write for EcoMetro (makers of the Chinook Book). It is focused on environmental, green, eco-conscious-or whatever you want to call it-parenting and households. I'd
Do you just want a quick and easy way to print out a weekly, monthly or annual calendar?  Take a look at ePrintable.  They let you generate printable weekly planners as well as monthly and yearly calendars
My husband's the gardener in my family, but I still think this article has lots of great ideas. Start planning your garden now, and find ways to save money, time and effort. End up with a beautiful well thought
This website has an awesome 20 question quiz about the current issues in America. Then it scores you, and compares your score with each of the presidential candidates, so you can see who you should vote for. It
I found the best cleaner for my glass cook top. I'm always scared of scratching it, so it stays kind of dirty usually. I found this Scotch Brite Cook Top Cleaner, which is a plastic handle and refill pads. The
This low-fat vegan chocolate cake can be made by vegans when they want a chocolate dessert. It can also be made by anyone who is trying to eat low-fat, low-cholesterol foods. This low-fat vegan chocolate cake recipe
Simple and tasty avocado dips.ere are seven simple avocado recipes for your dipping pleasure. Avocados are a popular main ingredient in appetizer dips. The avocado has health benefits, and is one of the more satisfying
I received this in an email from a friend. I don't know but it sounds plausable. The heating unit went out on my dryer! The gentleman that fixes things around the house for us told us that he wanted to show
Reducing Static Cling Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress.  Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks
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