This site has some creative suggestions for all matters in the kitchen. For example, I knew that if an egg floats, it's probably bad, but I didn't know that I could restore flat champagne by dropping
Since the grandkids are coming for the weekend and we've still got a bit of warm weather, I told them we would have a bar-b-que one last time before winter. In preparation I made a drip pan out of the aluminum
I usually go to when I have a specific question, like do carpenter bees sting, (males don't, females seldom do) and so on. Anyway, they've just launched a new section where they provide links
Here's an informative site for a number of interesting uses for q-tips. Since we buy them at Costco we have a huge supply on hand. I had always used them for cleaning electronics or touching up paint and so
This week I realized I was in need of some long sleeve t-shirts. I decided before I ran off to Target like normal, I would do a search for organic shirts. What I found very pleasantly surprised me. All
Back in the day, Halloween was different. It was a time to create, be imaginative, and it was a low-budget holiday. Back then, Halloween was green and it didn't even phase us. It was
Today I had to use some WD-40 to fix a sticky keyhole, and I started wondering what other uses it might have since I was in handyman mode. Off to the google where I discovered this site and some amazing applications
I love shopping at Goodwill for a couple reasons. It saves money, it helps me find unique things no one else has, it helps a great cause, and it helps the planet! But I have to admit that sometimes
For years I have been buying the four pound box of baking soda at Costco and adding it to the litter box to eliminate cat urine odor. Since it worked so well on that I decided it was time to research more
Fizzy Cleaner Club Soda is a terrific way to clean stainless steel sinks, dishwashers, ranges, and other appliances. The least expensive club soda works s well as the pricey brands; flat soda works, too. Add
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