Marriage & RelationshipsGet a FREE Valentine’s Day printable coupon Book of Love! There are 2 versions available for you to print
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One version is with printed coupons that includes  Anyone who is living with an alcoholic, or who has lived with an alcoholic, knows that chaos reigns supreme in the home as a result of the alcoholics addiction. What you may not know is that there is a huge link  For a long time, codependency was just a word to me. And then I realized that I may be in codependent relationships all the time. I think that a lot of people, especially women, seem to get involved in codependent  Do you know why you want to be married or why you want to have children? Have you ever given any thought to why you want a pet? You might think that the reason you want to get married is because you want somebody  This is a quick easy checklist of great ideas to make a romantic dinner for you and your spouse. Here's an example of some of the ideas included: If the dinner won't be a surprise, consider giving your  If you have been dealilng with infidelity in your relationship, then you how difficult the holidays can become. The holidays are typically linked ot happiness and good times, good memories and fun.   This article was meant for Valentine's Day, but is definately not limited to one day a year! Here are some terrific inexpensive ways to be super romantic. For example, "Take a romantic hostage Forget seduction  I made a very big mistake last summer regarding child custody last summer and I hope that sharing it here will save others the pain that my family went through. My husband and I separated and we knew we were  A friend of mine is going through a really messy divorce right now. Her husband was unfaithful and there is a lot of pain and anger that she is dealing with. Unforunately, it's difficult for them to communicate  Divorce is a fact of life. When I was growing up, it was strange to have a friend whose parents weren't still married. Today, it's strange to find kids who have parents that are still married! While we  I read a lot of books. I've gone through phases in my life where I've read 3 or 4 books a week. This book, Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs  I used to be a single mom and dating with kids presented all kinds of interesting issues and problems. One of the biggest things that concerned me was when it was an appropriate time to introduce the guy I was  This morning I went into my daughter's room to finding her jumping happily on her bed. I thought it was a little strange since she is well aware that I absolutely do not allow jumping on furniture or  If you have any questions and want an answer whether it be legal or pet or about your relationship in families go to JUST and you can ask an expert for a reasonable rate. You put your question on  Fathers of young children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may be more likely to find their marriages under stress, new research suggests. Scientists at the State University of New York-Buffalo looked  I haven't seen a great article like this before. If your parent has moved in with you, leave this lying around in a conspicous spot for them to find. It gives six tips for peaceful living: 1.Share expenses fairly2.Sort  When parents divorce or separate, the whole family is affected. This website offers FREE downloadable printables to help your child deal with his/her feelings regarding parental separation and divorce.   This is a very interesting article that I came across on AOL. The article lists five surprising sings that show a man is really into the woman that he is dating. I think that if not all but at least most of  My husband has been busier than ever at work and I found this great article for him to read. It gives some wonderful strategies to grab more time for what really matters. One of the big tips in this  Do you find yourself sometimes tongue tied in certain situations? might have an answer to your problems. The website is full of different situation scenarios which can help you improve your communication  This article explains how recent research shows that long-time couples benefit from novelty in their date night routines, meaning that couples should seek out different activities from the ones that we usually associate  My family all live in Australia so it is easy to get distracted with everyday living and forget to keep in touch with those of your family is not in your sight. My family have taken to writing letter and sending  I look at a relationship between two people or more as like a jigsaw puzzle sometimes the pieces fit straight away and then sometimes you have to take away the rough edges of the puzzles to make them fit a little  Are you tired of fighting with your partner over chores? Or maybe you resign yourself to being the one who does everything in your household, and are secretly resentful? Parenting has an article that  This site tells you how to end relationships graciously and gracefully. The author outlines specific break up do's and don'ts. Specific strategies for breaking up with a lover as painlessly as possible are  This site tells you where to meet the kind of men you want to date. It emphasizes meeting men with shared interests and values in places you already go on a regular basis. The author also lists specific strategies  This article from Parenting discusses the conventional wisdom that is tossed around regarding your relationship with your partner, like “never fight in front of the kids,” and “don’t worry  I found this article to be very helpful for some friends of mine. This Q&A in regards to helping cope with the stress of divorced families and the holidays is valuable information for anyone.   My husband and I took a cruise for our honeymoon (eight years ago this month), and we took a couples massage class at the ship’s spa. We each received a separate back massage, and then with instruction  If you are Jewish and in an interfaith relationship, or involved with someone Jewish, or the child of an interfaith couple, you need to know about It's a great forum for sharing, venting 
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