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These are the best blocks!  Beautifully designed- could be a keepsake for your child's child!  The blocks are available in different languages, including sign language and braille, Mother Goose rhymes
Numerous, scary recalls has led to the discovery of some wonderful toy companies.  Natural Pod is one of those fantastic stores. Check out their dolls...they are truly beautiful and special. 
My kids are into puzzles, but we don't have a lot of space to keep a big puzzle going for a while. So we got a Puzzle Roll Up so we can work on it for a while, then roll it up and put it away so it's not cluttering
Hoppers from ThinkFun is a fun learning game for kids. My kids adore it and will play for hours. This hopping frog game challenges you to leave the red frog as the last one standing. Frogs and challenge cards
Okay, I admit it...I'm not much of a card player, but my KIDS love them.  I had even forgotten the fine details of GO FISH of all games, yes my head is now hung low!  I found The House of Cards to
I heard about this site today on NPR, and it is a great resource, with all the toxic scares that we have been having. As a result of looking at this site, I also found out that my favorite toy maker, Melissa and
This is a great single player strategy/thinking game for kids and adults. Rush Hour is a game that challenges your "sequential thinking skills." We like it because kids can play on their own and there
We thought of a great way to wash our cars and our kid's outdoor toys.  Since carrying around a bucket of soapy water can be tiresome, we used our daughter's "Little Tykes" plastic wheel
We got two Aquadoodles when they first came out so the kids wouldn't fight over them. We're really glad we did because they still play with them, years later! The Aquadoodle Draw N Doodle Mat really is
My kids love to draw but on car trips it can get messy to have paper, crayons and a lap desk in the back seat of the car. Then I found these small travel friendly Doodle Pro drawing boards from Fisher Price
My eight year old daughter LOVES her Lego sets.  They are not only for boys!  They have wonderful fairy-tale castles on offer at the moment.  The range does change from time to time but any Lego you
After having baby #2, I needed to find something to keep my 2-year old busy.  I went to Target and found the I-play Sand and Water Table.  What a wonderful find!  It comes with several different cause and effect
Hearth Song is my favorite website for toys for my kids - one daughter gets all her horsy gear and the other her fairy stuff.  We truly enjoy everything we buy from them because the items are lovingly chosen
Please read about the latest recall of one million toys by Fisher Price. From the news article: "Owners of a recalled toy can exchange it for a voucher for another product of the same value. To see pictures
There are just some things I LOVE and don't really know why. Sweet and Sleepy Creatures are so cute, huggable, soft and the perfect addition to any bedroom.  I think I may get the PINK one for my room
My 7 year old received Granny Apples for her birthday and it is fun & exciting. You need to be able to do quick math in your head to win - it is great practice during the summer! A description of the game from
If you’re looking for a new game or gift to give, look at the Honey Bee Tree. We got this game for my preschool-age daughter at the beginning of this year, and every single kid who comes over asks to play
Check out this cute idea! Dinner Games is a tin filled with laminated cards that give ideas for games you can play while having dinner with your kids. One tin is for kids aged 3 and up, the other is for kids 5
I wish was around a few years ago.  As a former teacher, I often look for toys and educational resources that help to foster a love of learning and a site that is easy to navigate.  This
Here's a twist on an old favorite game to play when bored, or waiting at the doctor's or a restaurant: What Would You Be? We've been playing this since my kids were about 3 and we still play as tweens
My daughter received a Fisher Price Snap N Style doll for her second birthday and she has been playing with it for over 2 years now.  They are great dolls for little hands with snap on clothing.  We have
Buddie Packs are a great idea for travelling families and BUSY parents this summer.  These pre-made activity bags are great to have while waiting for a doctors appointment or plane travel.  You can make
Big Enough, Small Enough is a game we played from age 3 to about 9 years old. Each person just tells what they are big enough and small enough to do. Example: I'm big enough to drive but small enough to be scared
Hullabaloo is a perfect gift for a 4 year old.  It has been making the rounds at all the 4 year old birthday parties this spring and everyone loves it.  We have had ours for 2 years and both of our kids
Fowl Play is a great counting card game for ages 6 and up [but our 4 year old loves to play]. It is made by the amazing game company Gamewright in Watertown, MA. This is one of our family's favorite games!
BrainBashers has hundreds of free brain teasers, puzzles, optical illusions, riddles and games to wile away the hours this summer, while not letting your child's brain turn to oatmeal. Trust me, your child's
Discovery School is a website primarily for teachers, (with lots of great stuff to check out) but this page has a puzzle generator that you can use for free. You can make crosswords, and ten other kinds of puzzles
My daughter was so happy when we discovered horse trading cards from Bella Sara Cards.  My daughter's third word ever was "horsy" so you can imagine all the horse themed items we have and this
I'm a wooden toy lover and just adore Haba toy products from Germany.  The quality is truly amazing and last through many children in the household! I love this site by Oompa Toys.  It has
When we are waiting at restaurants, doctor's offices, etc., we play lots of the same games as you probably do, but my son invented a fun game that you might like. It's called "two minutes" and
Have an out-of-sight place (closet or high shelves) to store most toys and only leave a few at a time out for children to use. Cycle out current toys before adding something new.  This will make pick-up easier
Beyond Play is a wonderful catalog/website with developmental toys, games, books, puzzles and more.  It is geared toward young children with special needs, but the products can benefit all children. 
Want to know which toys everyone else is buying? Take a peek here at the Top Sellers in Toys at Amazon, updated daily!  This can be a big help when you are looking for that perfect gift or if you aren't
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