Kid's Apparel Little Hero Capes are so cool. When I first saw these super hero capes I seriously wanted one for myself and my tween daughters. But these capes are for the younger hero's in our lives! Little Hero Capes are   Black Dog's Squall Jacket is a must-have foul weather jacket for kids.
Raising kids in New England requires an extensive outerwear wardrobe. We rely and purchase heavy-duty outerwear for when the weather  Send in a box of clothes then recieve a box of clothes of your choice and just pay shipping and handeling. Dont buy new when you can get gently used for a fraction of the cost. Simply choose the gender, size and  Are you as tired of seeing the same old clothes in all the baby stores as I am?... Tired of the same Blah fashion in Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree, Children's Place....Want NEW  My granddaughter's birthday is coming up and she loves pandas so I decided to buy her a shirt with a picture of one on it. I found an adorable one at this this website which has excellent prices. They only charge  Via Cool Mom Picks, I found some felt flower hair clips that are so pretty and unique at Sophia Bella Mia. The interesting part is that you can pick from eco-friendly felt. These hair clips are  When I had daughter's I had visions of them always looking nice in perfectly pressed dressed and cute little outfits. Just one problem - my girls are total tomboys. They ruin clothes all the time  This is a website with adorable t-shirts in Spanish and English. The shirts have many designs to choose from. They include a Spanish word on top of a graphic design with the English translation underneath  As parents, we love to buy new clothes for our kids. We also want to get our kids clothing cheap. During difficult economic times, it's especially important to look for cheap kids clothes.   If your kids are anything like mine, they love cotton clothing. Unfortunately, I recently realized that regular cotton is terrible for the environment, and it might not be that great for my kids either. Enter  Naartjie's is a relatively new addition in the kids (ages newborn to 10 years old) clothing scene. If you want to try something unique, comfortable, and extremely wearable, try Naartjie's.   I love shopping thrift and consignment stores for a couple reasons. 1. It is a great way to save money 2. It is a great way to help the environment by helping to create less waste in product production  I wanted a tutu for my little girl but couldnt find one cheaper than $12. Most are around 20 dollars. So I looked up how to make them on google and was pleasantly surprised that they were not only cheap, but easy  We are a divided house here when it comes to now that my good friend just had twins we are sending them each a Democrat and Republican onesie for gags!!! The clothes at Uncommonly Cute are very sweet  Pediped footwear are designed to be the "next best thing to bare feet". They allow children's feet to develop naturally and provide optimal support and protection during the developmental stages of  CompanyKids provides unique kids bedding, kids room décor and kids apparel. They offer exclusive designs for girls bedding, boys bedding and baby bedding. Make your kids' room a special place to inspire  Inchbug has real cute stuff for babies such as clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. They even have some products for toddlers or adults! My favorite is the kid labels. They can be used on sippy cups and sports bottles  A kimono (translates as clothing) originated from the Han people of the Chinese's clothing and adopted by the Japanese early on; however, the more modern shape of the kimono began around 794-1192. Kimono's  This is a very cool website. It has everything for kids from clothes to furniture. What I like about this company to is that it was created by two sisters in their twenties who are using their company's success  Check out Crazy8 which is owned by Gymboree but less expensive (think Gap and Old Navy). Good quality, great deals and trendy. I bought 8.00 pj's for my kids and my little cousins and they are so  Check out Crazy 8 - a new line of trendy kids clothes from Gymboree. It's the same quality as Gymboree but less expensive and currently they offer free shipping. Its almost like what "Old  Lorraine at Little Cans of Beans makes the most unique and cutest clippies! I recently ordered a spider for halloween, a turkey for thanksgiving and also got a christmas tree and some woven headbands.   For babies and small children who love frogs, including the Webkinz frogs, here are some fun and easy Halloween costume ideas. From the WebKinz Bullfrog to the furry Frog, the Tree Frog, and the Spotted Frog, parents  Costume Craze had a HUGE assortment of costumes! I really like having a variety to chose from, or rather the girls will!! :) My daughter has been wearing Hanna Andersson moccasins since she was an infant. I love them because they are so durable. They withstand multiple washings and last through multiple seasons. They  This online Boutique, Twirl is all about cute and fun! This site has beautiful items for Mommy and baby. I'm planning on buying their tutu's for my daughters - too cute and AWESOME!  Little Miss Matched is a very cool product line...all the socks are MISS MATCHED using bright colors and polka dots...on purpose! I noticed them at a local Boston hospital visiting a loved one, not a fun  Here are some websites that I like for Halloween costumes: Costume Express - for baby, toddler and kid costumes Hearthsong - for kid costumes Old Navy - for baby costumes Leaps and Bounds - for baby, toddler  As we've started to feel a little autumnal crispness in the air I've been thinking of what my kiddo needs for the upcoming winter. For those of us with children who CANNOT stay inside all day, let  I love to support local businesses and this is a great one to do that! Katy Bird is a wonderful website filled with beautiful and functional clothing for kids. I really love their skirts for girls. If you shop at Genes you're in for a lot of fun and hip items to chose from! Not only do they have clothes but toys and modern furniture! Check out the cribs! Looking for the perfect holiday dress, picture day outfit, or flower girl dress? Take a look at The Wooden Soldier's website and catalog. They find the most amazing kids special occasion clothing  My daughter turns 7 next month...where did the time go! We always purchase a very special birthday outfit to celebrate. I just found this great website called Liliputians/NY that has wonderful clothes  New website selling onesies with cute printed messages for Mom. Such as "Thanks Mom. You're the best.", etc...I thought it was a great gift idea for parents of a new born. Cool Tee's for the Organic Family! I just purchased these tee's and love them! More tips in my book: Moms' Lifesavers I really like BabyLegs. If you haven't heard of them they are leg warmers for babies and toddlers. I got my girl the lollipop   Emotional Armor is a company founded on the belief in the goodness of people. When you buy these positive thinking and kind hearted t-shirts you are reminding yourself that you are empowered to  Kidorable Raincoats are simply the best raincoats for kids! We've had 4 coats over the years (two girls + two coats = 4 different styles!) Now they're on their third...both are now loving  Zutano clothing line is FANTASTIC. My children lived in this clothing line for many years and ended up sharing all their Zutano brand clothes with many younger friends. One outfit passed through  We love hand smocked bishops and dresses - they are so beautiful and classic. But they are hard to find. But a great web/mail order source is Orient Expressed. They have beautiful designs and craftsmanship.&  Sara's Prints really does make the softest pajamas around. The designs are lovely and my kids adore to sleep in them. They have summer and winter varieties and there always seems to be a princess, dino and  Mabel's Labels are the best way to NOT lose anything you own. They are the stickiest labels. They are dishwasher and microwave safe and they do not fade in the sun. They are perfect for daycare and school.
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home