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  Education Resources
We all know how important math skills are for all school-age children. Strengthening easy concepts can be done at home. Often, parents feel overwhelmed trying to teach math skills to their children because they
  Education Resources
This Interactive World Map is great for kids, and parents too. My family has been using this for years to help our kids with homework. The best thing about it is you can start at the home page and choose a
  Education Resources
In most schools these days, parents are required to supply snack for their children.  This mid-morning boost can get boring for kids after a while.  We have some healthy ideas for this week.  If
  Education Resources
One of the most important teachers in your child's life is you.  A parent has a big influence on their children, especially when it come to early reading skills. There are three areas to keep in mind
  Education Resources
Homework is an inevitable activity your school age child will participate in for many years.  It can cause stress and headaches for kids as well as parents. It doesn't have to be doom and gloom at your
  Education Resources
While looking for free printable worksheets to give the kids over the summer, I came across this really awesome website!! They have worksheets for Math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, counting
  Education Resources
Make learning and studying multiplication fun by using useful computer games.  My 4th grader loves this website because in her words, "For most of the games you play, it doesn't seem like you're playing a
  Education Resources
If you have a child that struggles with math or simply enjoys math and needs to keep up with their skills, make it fun.  My 4th grader loves math and she recommends the Sumdog website.  In her words:
  Education Resources
I am blessed with two children who love to read. They are both already great at decoding and fluency, but we've been working on improving comprehension. I developed a strategy that seems to work well for my
Over 42,000 spelling words with customizable sentences and definitions A REAL person who says each word and sentence Free home pages for teachers and parents to save lists Free printable handwriting
  Education Resources
For all of you homeschoolers and those of you who feel you could use a little help in understanding math and would also like to practice exercises from kindergarten to the 12th grade, this free site is worth checking
  Education Resources
MIT ESP (Educational Studies Program) offers classes one weekend in November, March and over the summer break at MIT for middle school and high school students. Classes cost $30 for as many classes as you are able
  Education Resources
Internet safety is so important to our children. Every year in the computer lab one of the first things we learn about is Internet Safety. I will include links to good age appropriate websites about Internet safety. 
  Education Resources
Students need keyboarding skills and this site will help all levels of typing skills. Level 1 begins a goat showing them where their fingers belong on the keyboard. Each level adds two new letters until they have
  Education Resources
There are many sites I have used in the eight years of teaching computer to Kindergarten - 5th grade, but this remains one of my favorites. This French site offers no directions. It is purely and exploration site
  Education Resources
Verizon Foundation has partnered with nationally recognized leaders in educational disciplines including literacy, math, humanities and science to create Verizon Thinkfinity (  The
  Education Resources
Want your student to beg to learn the times tables? Want to have that in game format? Want it FREE? Learn Multiplication from anywhere you can get internet serviceIF Adjusts to their pace and repeats facts
  Education Resources
This free children's learning site is for just about every subject. It has games for astronomy, biology, dinosaurs, history, geology, math, and even spelling and memory. Many of the games are on the main
Sierra Club just published their list of the top 100 green colleges. Look here to see how your school fared. The number one school is "Green Mountain College Poultney, VT | Score: 88.6 GMC excels in most categories
  Home Schooling
Looking for a way to practice spelling skills and keep the kiddos occupied?  You might want to try playing this fun game called Scraggle with them!  It is a low cost, fun, and easy way to build their
  Home Schooling
When you make learning a fun game, kids are more likely to jump in!  This is a fun math game using flash cards (you can use store bought or make your own), and a pair of dice.  Work on number recognition
  Home Schooling
Homeschooling doesn't have to break the bank to be effective.  Even dollar stores can provide learning materials.  These cute little plastic frogs were purchased at the dollar store and can be used
  Education Resources
Here's a great game that just uses playing cards to teach basic math. All you have to do is pick a number between one and thirty. Let's say seventeen for example. Using a shuffled deck of cards
  Education Resources
Math Worksheet Wizard is another good site for free math worksheets for K-5. You can customize thousands of these worksheets based upon what you want to cover. The worksheets are attractive in a whimsical
  Education Resources
Here is a site that offers an extensive amount of free printables for teaching. It doesn't matter if you're homeschooling or helping your children with homework. These resources were created by a teacher
  Education Resources
Here's an excellent resource for students, parents and teachers. It's an online almanac, atlas, dictionary, encylopedia and more. You can get homework help and find facts about almost anything. For example
  Education Resources
Here's a good interactive fun educational website for learning elementary math. It has flashcards, work sheets, games and something called a homework helper that allows you to enter in your solved
  Education Resources
Anyone who is looking for some great worksheets but doesn't have time to scour the internet for them - check out the collection of various workbooks published by Kumon Publishing . We recently ran across them
  Home Schooling
While looking for a resource that would allow me to create my own crossword puzzles, I stumbled across this site hosted by Discovery Education. The logo looks similar to the Discovery Channel but I'm
  Education Resources
Changing schools can be a challenge no matter when it happens.  During the summer your student may have an opportunity to meet potential classmates.  However, when it is necessary to move during the school
  Education Resources
 If you have a middle school age child that has begun acting out or showing signs of stress, this site can be a great help.  Many middle school age children find that making the transition from elementary
  Education Resources
My Charter School is currently doing a fundraiser with Insider Pages for 3 weeks.  I can't tell you how easy and wonderful this fundraiser is! All you have to do is submit information about your school
  Home Schooling
Here is an inexpensive way to practice reading word families.  All you need to do is pick up a few paint sample cards the next time you are at the store and Viola! Instant learning fun.  Perfect for the
  Home Schooling
Here is a fun game for reviewing multiplication facts with a fun winter/Christmas theme.  Includes free printable to play the game!  The only thing you need to supply is a pair of dice, some crayons
Information and tips by grade level about what your child will be learning in school, social development milestones, and more. What to expect, get ready for kindergarten, social changes by grade. Click on an
  Education Resources
This website offers free educational activities and instruction in virtually all the major disciplines, including test prep for high school SAT. There's even a section that offers strategies on how
  Education Resources
This past weekend my grandkids were curious about my book of sudoku and wanted to try and learn how to do them. Well, as much as I would like to think that they're little geniuses, they're not and I
  Home Schooling
Bibliomania offers free online literature and study guides.  Some of the classic works included are:  Anna Karenina, Black Beauty, Great Expectations, Little Women,  Robinson Crusoe, Sense and Sensibility
  Education Resources
Here is an excellent site to teach your elementary aged kids about electricity. It clearly explains all those scary things like volts, amps, watts and where it all came from. It's divided into sections where
  Education Resources
My grandkids love the program Animal Planet, especially SuperFetch. So I decided to visit their website to see what other interesting tidbits they had to offer. This site is an excellent resource for learning all
  Education Resources
This afternoon while the grandkids were here I added water softener salt to the system and of course this opened up all kinds of questions from their inquiring minds so I took the opportunity to teach them
  Education Resources
As an old science professor, I'm always looking for ways to generate interest in science in kids, especially little girls. If you can make science projects fun to them at an early age, they won't
At the end of the day last weekend, my grandkids had strewn their toys all over the house. I knew they would be going home soon and I wanted to make sure they put everything away before leaving. So I got an old
  Education Resources
~ BORDERS EDUCATOR APPRECIATION WEEK ~ Current and retired educators can save 30% on purchases for personal and classroom use.  September 29th ~ October 7th! **Just bring proof of educator's status!
It's just a matter of time before we receive that first memo home from the school nurse re: headlice in your son/daughter's class. Avoid it now simply by adding a few drops of Tea Tree oil to your regular
  Education Resources
DreamBox is a fun online math learning game for kids that is a completely individualized education experience. We're celebrating launching our Facebook page by giving away three 1-month subscriptions and one
  Education Resources
Fun summer math activities calendars from DreamBox Learning. Keep your kids brains from melting during the summer. August is get ready for kindergarten month! Help prepare your child for kindergarten through
Cultural Care Au Pair's childcare and cultural exchange program offers your family flexible, live-in childcare. Your au pair lives with you as a member of your family for one year with the option to extend
  Education Resources
I really like this educational program called Adventures of Scuba Jack because of it's rich educational content, made FUN!  From their website: "The Adventures of Scuba Jack is an educational
  Education Resources
It’s never too early to prepare for back-to-school! momAgenda’s back-to-school checklist helps get all your ducklings in a row for a less frantic first day of school. This free printable provides a handy
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