Music LessonsI found a great site for printable piano music. There are quite a few fun recognizable songs that are perfect for kids who are just starting out on piano, or for some fun pieces to practice. The arrangements  How to Pick Out Guitar Picks: There are so many choices and how do you know what to select and why? Color: First of all there are a lot of color choices - and of coarse that is more a personal choice that anything  The First Position: With playing guitar, you will be playing in what is called "positions". This is not a difficult thing to understand once you get the hang of it. If you look at your guitar, you  The Case for Cases: One thing we all have to remember is that our guitars are very fragile. You drop them and they can crack. If you drop them on the floor, neck first and they neck or the headstock can crack  Guitar Capos: After you have been hanging around a few guitarists for a little while you will hear the words "Guitar Capo" mentioned. If you have no idea what that means, read on.... What is a Guitar  Dotted Notes: Notes that are dotted or have a dot placed after the note head are referred as "Dotted Notes". A note of any timing can be a Dotted Note. What Does The Dot Do? When a dot appears behind  Chords in the Key of G Major (G, C, D7) Ultimate Kids Guitar Lessons Tip: Wondering how to read these chord diagrams? Go to our article Chord Diagrams to learn how. Chords in the Key of G Major: The next key  Alternating Bass Chords: Once you get the hang of it, alternating bass chords are quite easy to play. The hardest part of it, is getting the chords to sound clearly, without buzzing and without muting out the strings  Alternate Endings: Alternate endings provides the author of the music with yet another short-hand method of reducing the amount of music that is required to be written within the score. If alternate endings did  Frere Jacques Let’s have some fun with this old time song that is always popular and makes for a good sing-along song. This lessons quite shore, but very important. Int this lesson we will be playing the  About This Lesson: This is a great second lesson to continue on with what we had learned in the last lesson. Just about every kid and adult knows this song very well and that is an important factor in our first  About This Lesson: More of the same for the most part this week. Just about every kid and adult knows this song very well and that is an important factor in our first few months of teaching these lessons. Let’s  About This Lesson: This is a great lesson to kick things off. Just about every kid and adult knows this song very well and that is an important factor in our first few months of teaching these lessons. Let’s  Lack of Humidity on the Home: This is the acoustic guitars’ worst enemy and can cause more trips to the repair shop and more destruction to our fragile guitars than anythings else, short of a natural disaster  Down Up Pick Strokes: This is one of the very basics that will separate an OK guitarist from a good one. If you can get going on your down ups, you will be able to pick faster and outplay all of your guitarist  Guitar Tuners: With today’s technology there are an incredible number of resources you can use to tune your guitar. Depending on the location and what technology you have access to, you may want to pursue  How to Read Chord Diagrams: Chord Diagrams are relatively easy to read once you understand what all of the lines and dots stand for. Chord Diagrams Represent the Fingerboard: Basically a Chord Diagram is a  Chords in the Key of C Major: In the first few months of our guitar lessons we have been playing in the key of C Major. If you remember we have one key for each note name. So going through our lists of notes…A  What is a Bar Chord? To explain this , first take a look at your guitar. Do you remember what the nut of the guitar is? If not look at the Guitar Parts article. The nut spans the entire width of the fretboard  Tablature – Just What Is This? Tablature may be a term that you are not familiar with. It is more commonly called TAB. You will often see it accompany the standard notation staff. It is usually located  Accidentals or reading notes as sharps or flats can sometimes be confusing for childern to understand. This article take an easy approach to this, along with some helpful lesson materials that will help the child  About These Lessons: Every lesson will have similar sections so we can have a structured learning process here. The lessons will gradually get harder each week or month as your ability to learn the music increases  Kids Guitar Lessons: These Kids Guitar Lessons were developed and born out of necessity. I have an 8 year-old girl that developed a sudden interest in learning the guitar just before Christmas. I really didn’t  Do you enjoy building things with your child? Does your child play the guitar or have a desire to play? If so, you may want to try to build your own guitar with your child. These great guitar plans will get you  This article provides some tips on how to find an inexpensive musical instrument for your child oryourself. Here is just one of the many ideas: "Some of the best instrument deals on the planet can be had in  If you have a child that plays the guitar and they get frustated easily or complain that their instrument is too hard to play, there may be a problem with the guitar. There are lots of small things that can happen  According to Ultimate Guitar Online, one of the best guitars for kids in the Martin LXM Little Martin Guitar. If you have any guitarists in your family or you know anything about guitars, you know that Martin  If you, your children, or anyone else in your family plays or wants to play the guitar, sign up for the free newsletter from Ultimate Guitar Online. It's a weekly newsletter that's sent via email, full  If you've got a child who is interested in playing the guitar and you are looking for some tips on buying a guitar for a child, visit Ultimate Guitar Online for some great advice. There are all kinds  After purchasing that first acoustic guitar, classical guitar or electric guitar for your child and seeing the excitement on their face after the purchase, it wears off quite quickly when it comes time to entice  Guitars for Kids was a subject that I often had to deal with from parents that had the desire for their children to play this enticing instrument. I gave guitar lessons to kids for many years and tried many methods  I was looking for help in teaching music and came across this interesting site. It applies to all elementary ages. I liked the fact that it promoted all phases of learning music and that  In a Kindermusik class, educators lead a group of parents and their children through joyful activities, using music and movement. Parents learn more about their child's unique developmental process, and the 
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