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  Fun Quirky Stuff
Have you ever asked yourself why do grocery stores and kids not mix? Why can't all grocery stores have mandatory babysitting? Well, to a kid-unless you have a Wegman's in your area-grocery stores are one
If you live anywhere near any Six Flags theme parks or you will be traveling in areas where they are located throughout the summer, you may want to seriously consider getting a Six Flags season pass this year. 
  Beaches & Lakes
While you are waiting (patiently) for the end of winter, why not get your beach bag all ready for summer use?  It seems a little early to think about swimming, but it'll help pass the last of the winter
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Seems everybody from moms to corporate executives is blogging about everything from what shoes to buy to the latest gadgets available.  But what's the point in writing a blog if nobody reads it? That's
  Fun Quirky Stuff
On the day of President Obama's inauguration, he did the shaka sign as the marching band from Punahou High School (his alma mater) walked by.  Many people know the shaka sign as Hawaii's sign for "hang
  Fun Quirky Stuff
My daughter used to rave about these wooden puzzles that she put together at daycare, so I finally asked to see them one day when I was picking her up. She was so proud that she could put the whole puzzle together
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Here's a fun Valentines Day idea to surprise and delight your kids this year.  I've been doing fun stuff on Valentines Day for a few years just to remind my kids how special they are to me and how
  Fun Quirky Stuff
My kids are teens and preteens, so the magic is going out of Valentine's Day. To grab it back, I picked up a ready-to-decorate cardboard mailbox. We got it at Walmart, but I know Michael's and ACMoore has
  Fun Quirky Stuff
I have two daugthers, 7 and 4 years old, and their favorite thing to do with me is to have an at home spa.  They love all the pampering and it's a great way for us to enjoy an evening, and for me to teach
  Beaches & Lakes
My kids love the beach. In fact, I have a four-year old who is quite likely ADD and ADHD and all the other acronym's used to describe super hyper kids...but take her to the beach and she's the perfect angel
  Fun Quirky Stuff
I'm an American born Chinese... Married to a Korean born Canadian... Living in the Bay Area and raising a Chinkoreamericanadian 2 year old. This article has lots of ideas from festivals to a "walk through
  Adventures & Sports
With snow comes winter fun. This articles gives parents good ways to have fun with kids in the snow, while teaching them to be socially aware and environtmentally-friendly. Spending time with kids in the snow is
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, not only because of the gift exchange and spending time with family and friends, but also because you can see Santa everywhere. Every year I take my son to take a
  Adventures & Sports
Here are a few fun & easy game that you can set up for the kids in the snow this year.  Great for target practice, friendly competition, or just plain having fun!   Sort of an early spring
  Fun Quirky Stuff
You, your family and even your pets can take part in this whimsical, online holiday card.  The site allows you to download up to five pictures that are used as the faces of elves that dance
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Here's something just for fun, or for someone's birthday present. Go to this site and find out what was the number one song the month you were born. Mine was Theme from A Summer Place. Then, you
  Adventures & Sports
This seems like such a common sense thing - but I didn't think of it until just last year.  (This tip is most useful if you have an older daughter and a younger son relatively close in age).  I
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Someone has developed a website where you can take lots of big steps to change the world in one place. This website allows you to create a profile (a la myspace or facebook) and sign up to
  Fun Quirky Stuff
Want a fast, easy, and cheap (as in FREE) way to really make a difference?  Make part of your daily web browsing.  With one click you can give food to people who need it (the food
  Fun Quirky Stuff
My mom just gave me a copy of Ode Magazine which is all about focusing on good news.  I think all of us could use some more good news, especially lately.  Another great thing about this magazine is that
  Fun Quirky Stuff
You've got that sink of dirty dishes to attend to and the sun is going down.  Before you get to work, though, have a little fun with your daughter (or son).  Fill the sink halfway with warm sudsy water
  Beaches & Lakes
If you're looking for a quiet place to take the family on vacation, Oak Island is it!  Located just 45 minutes south east of Wilmington, Oak Island is a great spot to relax and play.  There are all
  Theater & Performance
If The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is being produced at a theater near you, go! My eleven year old and I went, and we loved it. I've been going to the theater since I was a tot, and I've never
  Fun Quirky Stuff
I was reading my favorite Blog, Spilling the Beans, today and they have a review for one of their new toys they recently brought into their stores. You won't believe it, but they actually have a plush toy that
  Adventures & Sports
This week, our family did something crazy together.  We took to the waves together for the first time.  There we were, a 6 year old with his mom and dad totally clueless about what to do, and nervous
This website is very useful for safety regulations, tips on how to best keep your child safe on amusement park rides etc.  There have been a lot of injuries at parks and it is never too late to educate yourself
  Adventures & Sports
Beaches have something for everyone. There's adventure, relaxation, and entertainment. And the range of accommodation choices, from resorts and combos to shacks and camp tents, caters to every taste and budget
  Adventures & Sports
With the Instant Shade you can protect yourself & children from heat stress and dehydration.  The 6' X 8' awning clips or attaches with Velcro almost anywhere, is lightweight, easy to transport
  Museums & Science
     Atlanta has a three great museums within a stone's throw of each other.  They are the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University, the Fernbank Museum of Natural History on Clifton
  Adventures & Sports
Is your son or daughter a baseball fan? Florida Marlins have a free Kids Club! Your child will receive a letter from Billy The Marlin, 2 FREE Vouchers for a 2008 Marlins Home Game, Player Poster, Baseball
  Beaches & Lakes
Bring the party to the beach with a sampling of fun foods. A beach party is a great way to jazz up a kid’s birthday or family event. Make the food choices simple and fun to eat. Offer guests bite-sized appetizers
  Adventures & Sports
This is a must have for parents on the go. has really cute first aid kits that come in four different colors. They are perfect to use around the house, in the car, sports games, and more. The kits are
  Boating & Sailing
I'm not lucky enough to own a boat, but if you are, you should read this quick article. It helps you find out where to buy all your boating essentials at a price you are actually willing to pay. For example
  Zoos & Aquariums
Did you know that FROGS are going extinct?  The Association of Zoo's names an animal every year to help spread crucial information about and this year they have chosen my daughters very favorite creature
  Daytrips This is a great site that allows users to check the weather in their area, as well as all over the world. There is an interactive map, extended and hourly forcast, with satellite and Radar
  Zoos & Aquariums
Have your kids ever been so busy at the zoo that before you know it, they had scraped their knees and the trip was ruined? all it takes to keep the kids happy, is bottled water, antiseptic wipes and neosporin (and
I'm currently compiling a 'Day Trip List' and notebook for this coming summer.  I often find myself last minute trying to find a fun activity to do with my family on the perfect Saturday -
Walt Disney World is an amazing vacation destination for families.  It is my personal favorite!  After many trips to Walt Disney World with & without kids, I feel I am pretty qualified to provide
When I first informed my family & friends that I would be taking a trip to Walt Disney World with my 1 year old son, people looked at me like I was insane!  I've been going to Walt Disney World yearly
Picnics can be pretty standard fare and when you're a weekend father you need to be extra creative. That's why I also include a special reason to be going on the picnic. Turn it into an adventure. One time I went
  Beaches & Lakes
Gathering seashells is fun, but it's also a wonderful educational experience for your children. (Not to mention a great source for decorating your home and using in crafts.) Here are some tips to help
  Parks & Nature
Kaboom describes themselves as a national non-profit that "envisions a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America". Their site allows you to not only search for playgrounds (and
  Adventures & Sports
Are your kids always complaining about cold wrists during the winter?  I bought these for my 4 1/2 yr old and she loves them.  Sure you can also use tube socks but these are much more attractive that
  Parks & Nature
There's a free national directory of playspaces (playgrounds, skateparks, sports fields, etc.) at KaBOOM! KaBOOM! (not the cleaner, thank you) is a nonprofit organization that helps communities build playspaces
  Farms & Orchards
The National Christmas Tree Association is a fantastic resource. Just put in your zip code and you will get a list of Christmas tree farms and retail lots in your area. Even better, each listing gives you tons
  Parks & Nature
Big Toys uses recycled plastic and NO PVC in their outdoor play gyms, something important these days...this company is cool!  If you are thinking of a new play stucture for your school check them out - they
  Farms & Orchards
Before heading out to your local Christmas Tree Farm/lot check out the following tips on selecting, displaying and decorating your tree. The article also features additional links in caring and maintaining your
  Theater & Performance
If a young girl you know likes American Girl dolls and books, check this website to see if there is an American Girl Fashion Show near you. (The Boston American Girl Tea Party & Fashion Show was just announced
  Theater & Performance
Here's a holiday travel tip for the entire family to enjoy. Experience New York City's glitz and energy in the less crowded regions of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and pay a lighter price tag than you would
  Theater & Performance
This tip is geared toward Educators and Non-profit groups who work with teens. The Disney Channel and the NAMM Foundation have teamed up to help fund school theatre productions of "High School Musical". 
Showing 51 - 100 of 109
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