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Do you enjoy shopping? Do you like to save money? How would you like to save money when buying products from major retailers? Sign up with to receive huge discounts! Some of the merchants include
Are you looking for a way to make some easy money from home? Do you enjoy doing things online such as writing and would like to get paid for your work? If you have answered yes to any of the above question
My family and I were researching ways to help support the relief effort in Haiti and I came across this article listing the various charities assisting with aid to the victims. First and foremost , as the article
Are you on a tight budget? Are you looking to save money? If you've answered yes, then you need to check out! is very easy to use. To print coupons go to the gallery of Printable Coupons
Late last August I decided it was time to start clearing out all the books I knew I would probably never read again, such as paperbacks and books I had read for my book club. Since I had purchased many of them
You forsake sleep after a hearty Thanksgiving meal with plenty of turkey and trimmings, side dishes, wine, and maybe even eggnog. Watch some football only to doze into a nap and wake up at 2am to start forming
Do you like to save money on groceries or simply enjoy clipping coupons? If you've answered yes, then you need to check out! has lots of great discounts that will save you money
This is a great HOW-TO guide that explains Walgreens Register Rewards and coupon policies.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if you never paid for toothpaste again?  You will also be able to get brand name has a ton of discounts, coupons and savings from all your favorite stores all over the web. You can find deals on everything from Apparel, Accessories, Mens, Womens, Kids, Baby,  Home
Well I actually learned a few things especially now that I find myself doing more international transactions. A golden rule that we often get lazy to follow is to READ THE FINE PRINT. Very important when it comes
Saving money has become a priority for many of us these days. I know that many people including myself are constantly looking for ways to spend less money, yet they want to continue to maintain the lifestyle that
In an effort to teach my daughter about money counting and coin recognition, I came across The Money Instructor. This site allows parents/teachers to both print out worksheets or set up interactive money lessons
I had breakfast last week with a life time best friend that I hadn't seen for a few years. It was great to see her and we had a lot of moments of tearful laughter remembering great times we had with each other
This great article tells you when in the year to get the best buy on just about everything. For example, most people know to buy clothes at the end of the season to save big bucks. But did you know that "You
This article provides 10 easy, concrete ways to save big bucks on your next new car purchase. Right now it's a buyers market, so get out there! Some ideas in the article are: pit dealers agains each other, bargain
Homemade Laundry Soap 1 cup Borax 1 cup Arm and Hammer Washing SODA (NOT BAKING SODA)1 bar of Ivory soap (you can really use whatever brand you prefer, I like Ivory for our skin allergies)  SO, all you do
Are you looking to work from home? Do you want a non phone job? You should check out! This is a great website where job leads are updated daily. If you happen to miss a day, you can
  I'm very excited that Target has finally posted their coupon policy on line! This Basically repeats the letter they sent me earlier this year, but at least it is an official post on their site now
Free Samples! Is requesting free samples worth your time? Does filling out all the forms feel laborious to you? Do you find yourself passing up these offers? If so, read on. Before I started getting serious
If you have missed Lesson One, "How to obtain a nice collection of coupons", Please Go Here! Organizing Your Coupons! Now that you know how to obtain a nice collection of coupons, it is very important
Week One: How to obtain a nice collection of coupons! Collecting coupons has now become my favorite hobby! I feel happy when I have a pair of scissors in my hand and I am cutting away coupons! I started out with
Do you want to live a more simple and Frugal Life? If so read on.... In light of our economic down-turn, we all need a little break from the age old saying of, “Tying To Make Ends Meet”. That
SnapFish 50 FREE PHOTOS Online photo service Snapfish offers new customers 50 4x6" digital prints for free when uploading photos. Plus, receive free shipping, via coupon code "FREELABOR". Also
A friendly reminder-check those receipts. I used to be an obsessive checker. I always checked my receipt before I left the store parking lot. But then at the market, I started to worry about all that frozen stuff
I read this great tip on my ezine. The tip is from Appoint different people in the family to be head of saving in one particular area. For example, even a small
This annual list of freebies was put together by You will not find any junk on the list. What you will find is everything from financial management and planning  to entertainment and vacation
This is a great informative post identifying many different resources for finding coupons.  There are coupons everywhere - newspapers, internet, magazines, on products, etc.  This post helps you find
Gymboree has jumped on the Rewards-Card bandwagon and is now offering GYMBOREE REWARDS !  For every dollar you spend at Gymboree (including online, in-store and at the outlet), you earn one point.  For
How would you like to earn money for doing something you already do? I want to tell you all about a great search engine that allows you to earn money for searching the Internet! It is called Swag Bucks. Swag
With the unemployment rate so high, and the job availability so low, finding a job is a challenge. Finding a good paying job is even more difficult. Once you find that job, keeping it becomes your next challenge
If you are a teacher or parent looking to save money on products ranging from toys, home items, gifts, bags, stickers etc. then you'll love Sav-On Closeouts! I found this site a couple of years ago and they
Wow! I'm excited to share this with all of you!! I just sat down to read my September Issue of, "All You", and discovered a wonderful coupon that will make you $2.00 at CVS starting Sunday, August
Are you looking for a job? Would you like to work from home? has put together a list of 10 work from home companies that are currently hiring. Among the companies you will find AVON, ASP, Telenetwork, and
Thought we don't go here often, the kids do enjoy visiting Chuck E. Cheese every once in awhile on a rainy day.  I was pleased to find that they offer daily coupons online which really help out with the
Let's say you're a working parent or both parents work which means time is precious. But you're still looking for ways to cut down costs and save on necessities like groceries. Coupon clipping and planning
While you're driving your daily route to drop off the kids, go to work, pick up the kids, take them to soccer practice, dance lessons.. you can actually get paid to drive your car. How? By advertising
Did you know that more and more restaurants are offering kids eat free deals? You can find deals here using three different methods, which include looking up national chain restaurants, search by days of the
Coupon cravings is an amazing website! You will find here lots of great deals from your favorite brands and companies! Be sure to check out the daily specials and blog archive for savings and discounts, print
Do you like to eat out? Have you stopped eating out or go out less because of the hard economic times? Restaurants such as Bob Evans, Ruby Tuesday, Arby's and more have actually lowered their prices, so you is a fantastic website that can help you save money on groceries! It is very simple to use. If you are not already a member, you first have to set up an account. The whole process is very easy and
Some medical bills can be outrageous, and there's a good reason for that: you are being charged for things you did not receive. Medical bills are notorious for being inflated, and most people never question
Do you play golf? Want to improve your game and read the stories, learn techniques and get tips on hot shots like Rory McIlroy? Now you have a chance to get a free subscription to Golf Digest while it lasts. 
We have become a country dependent upon credit and many of us are drowning in it. Here are tips in dealing with debt and with credit collectors, along with great links to government agencies and Suze Orman's
This video is a little under 2 minutes, and shows how to get the most out of your local dollar store, and what to leave in the store. You have to watch a commercial first, but it's only a few seconds long. The
Here's a great tip from my money-saving ezine: If you have a coupon for a particular store, especially a national chain, but the store is too far away, call the competitors close to you to see if they will
We see ads everywhere that look like they are endorsed by celebrities. We trust that the companies promoting the products are legitimate because of those endorsements.  What we don't expect is that when
Do you and your family love to eat out? If the answer is YES, then you need to check out! When you search by zip code or city you can find specials on kids meals. You also have the option of
Beware there are online mines everywhere and you could be the target of a scam. They are increasingly insidious. Hackers are not interested in infecting your computer with a virus as much (but they're still
Did you know that there is free money available? Are you not sure how find it? Let Ken and Daria Dolan tell you how!  Their article titled "11 Places to Find Free Money" will show you how easy it
Saving money has always been very important, but in today's hard economic times it is more important than ever. We all know that for example eating broccoli is good for us and just like saving money is. 
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