Nutrition & Diets Smoothies are a wonderful way to add beneficial nutrition to your diet, and including a source of fiber is even better. Flax seeds may seem like an unusual ingredient to a smoothie, but they blend in really well  Getting kids to finish their meals can be a struggle, especially when you're not around to cajole them into eating. And as a parent, you are responsible for teaching them good eating habits that they will carry  Here are some snack choices that you can feel good about for your kids when they arrive home with hungry bellies.
Yogurt Parfait – Layer vanilla yogurt, berries and/or bananas and granola in a  If you are trying to cut back on eating carbs, you really do some easy substitutions to make the low carb or South beach diet lifestyle work for you. Men’s health has compiled some  A follow up to his famous book, Raising Baby Green, Dr. Alan Greene, "green" pediatrician has written a new book called Feeding Baby Green. According to the good doctor, the process of  Since I'm not as active as I used to be, I find that the holiday season presents the bigggest challenge to not gaining weight. With all of the parties and get togethers where everyone pulls out alll the stops  When my son was teething nothing seemed to help until I discovered he liked to eat frozen mixed veggies. He was an older toddler, so I wasn't too worried about choking (still watched him eat, though)  With Halloween quickly approaching, moms everywhere are hitting the stores for candy to hand out to trick or treaters. For a quick claorie count of some of the more popular candy selections check out  There are many diets out there and I've learned that depending on your specific body, not all work. It's OK to try different diets until you find one that works for you for achieving weight loss, maintaining  Do you want to lose weight as you eat? Your favorite store is filled with foods that can help make you slim! Fat fighting foods such as almonds, berries, and cinnamon can help make you thinner as you eat. Be sure  Fit Day is a great website for helping you keep track on your path to weight loss and general fitness. The site offers free and upgraded pay version. But even the free version offers a daily food journal  Do you have a picky eater at home that wil simply not eat vegetables? has a great plan on how to get your picky child to try and love vegetables in just one month! The plan is divided week by week  School lunches are a big part of your child's overall nutrition. With childhood obesity rates on a record high, packing a healthy lunch for your child is especially of relevance today. According to the  Xylitol is a diabetic friendly sweetener that looks and tastes much like sugar. It has less calories than sugar and is absorbed by your body as a sugar alcohol. There are well documented studies that  I was disheartened at trying to lose weight and nothing working.Then I found the Flat Belly Diet.The 1st 3 days are regimented but after than you have the flexability to change items in the menu and down load menus  Chocolate for doing better at math? A new research study from the British Psychological Society finds that a chocolate drink containing cocoa flavonols in different amounts helped participants of the  A few years ago, I gained a lot of weight after a pregnancy. I had just moved and was depressed and bored and instead of losing the baby weight, I gained a bunch of weight! Finally, after trying a lot of  If you are on the Atkins Diet or are considering starting it, you have got to check out the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board. It's a free forum full of people who are on Atkins or have successfully lost a lot of  The older I get, the more I care about what my kids eat. And I'm really trying to avoid eating junk food as much as possible. The problem is that my kids really, really love food that's not  We all know that berries are great for us. For instance blueberries are filled with antioxidants and not to mention a delicious treat. But did you know that lemons are great for skin too? Sure thing! Squeeze them  There is a new antioxidant fruit megastar in town! Blueberries, pomegranates, and goji berries are still undeniably healthy, but in these cash strapped times, having a cheaper alternative to these fruits is  These 8 foods have one thing in common, their advetising campaigns are excellent! Effective advertising makes consumers put these foods into their shopping baskets day after day. I consider myself nutritionally  As we buckle down and prepare to implement our New Years Resolutions, lets not forget some simple tips about healthy eating and weight loss. I know this advice sounds simple but turns out that "Eating Less"  Not a big surprise, but your brain is literally what it eats, just like the rest of your body. Start off the new year right by feeding these brain-foods to your children. Here is the article that lists  I make sure my kids get yogurt every single day. It a simple, healthy, delicious snack (make sure you look for low sugar and organic versions) that is even easy for solid eating babies to consume. Not  After the stock market crash yesterday, saving money is on everyone's mind. Here is a timely article from WebMD that lists 15 foods that are both nutritious, and cheap. At $2 or less for a packet  Here is everything you ever wanted to know about eggs, but didn't know who to ask. Did you know you can get vegetarian eggs? They come from chickens who were fed vegetarian diets. Did you know that grade AA  If you are craving the simplicity of a baked potato dinner, go right ahead and indulge in one. Chockfull of fiber, and other nutrients, the baked potato is actually a healthy food. I would steer clear  Try substituting some healthy stuff into your diet. You'll feel better and look better too! Instead of using butter, try using olive, canola, or flax seed oil. Instead of using dairy, try soy rice milk  Do you like to healthy but are concered about the rising food costs? If have answered yes, I think you will find this article very helpful. The article contains great tips such filling up your freezer, buy  This article in the New York Times talks about meal-time strategies that parents can use to get their picky eaters to eat more healthfully. Let’s face it, all kids are picky eaters in some way or another  This is a great article that talks about the benefits of eating black food such as blackberries, blueberries, black rice and more. Did you know for example that black food contains antioxidants that protect your is a great website created by General Mills. You will find here healthy eating habits and easy-to-follow exercise tips, delicious recipes, and more. If you would like, you can also sign up  With High Fructose Corn Syrup, Artificial Coloring, MSG, and the like, I needed to decide how I was going to feed my children. It was clear that I didn't want to give them substandard food and it was  This is a great article from The article lists 9 foods that kids should avoid eating. This really shows the importance of why we should know how to read food labels. For example, the Kid Cuisine All  Do you know how to read a food label? I've personally been confused by a food label several times and didn't know whether or not the items that I was buying were healthy. All  Did you know that certain foods such as carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes can help you prevent cancer? I was surprised to see some of the foods on this list until I read more about them. For example, I didn't  Did you know that by eating eight certain foods every day you can cover all of nutritional bases? Best Life Magazine has put together a list just like that for you. You will find the nutritional information  Stand in a lineup of ten moms and nine (sometimes all ten) of them are on a diet or would like to lose a few pounds. Yet, there is always that one mom walking around the playground who is thin. Watch  Are you and your family planning on eating lunch at a theme park? If so, then you need to read this article! Msn has put together a list of th best and worst food to eat an amusement park. Personally, my favorite  We hear the buzz word "processed food" and the warning to stay as far away from them as possible. But what are processed foods and are they all bad? According to the following article, maybe not: Processed  This article from the New York Times lists 11 healthy foods that are easy to find when grocery shopping but don’t often make it into our carts. We eat some of them all the time, like canned pumpkin and  An idea is to go vegan! A vegan is a person who doesn’t eat meat. So yes, they are vegetarians but it goes a step further. Vegans also do not eat any animal product such as milk, eggs and  I recently read that dark meat actually packs more vitamins and iron than white meat and although it has more fat and calories, the amount is small. This article gives some specifics on the truth behind dark  Looking for a cheap, easy way to get your kids to eat healthy? Try this: My kids love the squeeze tubes of yougurt that you get at the grocery store and I love to see them eating yogurt (as preschoolers  If you are a vegetarian, and you don't have the quick access or the money to spend on a "veg friendly" store like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, there are is a quick way to spot vegetarian items  So you're caught in the biggest struggle-the Springtime crunch to maintain the weight loss post the New Year's Resolution. Cheeses are usually forbidden in my eating program but I have learned that  This article provides ten tips for healthier eating, while still saving money. For example, the old stand-by, don't shop when hungry. But it also has tips such as it will save you money if you invest in a class  I have my much dreaded anticipated 20th High School Graduation this July! I really could use a few pound off my tush, so I found this cool TEA diet that I've heard about. With my workout program  Yum Yum dish is simply a 4 oz. dish. It is a fun way to help you control portion sizes. Yum Yum dish is great for snacks such as chips, fruit, candy, etc. The website has some great snack ideas. You can also sign 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home