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"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents."  -Emilie Buchwald Reading to your infant is one of the most rewarding gifts you can give them.  With rapid development that occurs
  Home & Garden
Ever wonder if those "TV Products" really work? NECN (New England News Network) has created a new segment called "Does it Work", hosted by Leslie Gaydos. Each week, she explores one of these products to see if
  Kids & Technology
Where to find the gems in Gem Hunt! Webkinz Gem Hunt is one of the more intriguing activities in the webkinz world that becomes addicting as you quest to complete the "Legendary Crown of Wonder". What we didn't
  Health & Safety
My son had contracted a horrid diaper rash that left him with abrasions on his bottom that were so bad they bled. After three trips to the doctor's office and about 6 diaper creams later it was discovered that
  Health & Safety
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the possible link between vaccinations and rising autism diagnoses. If you're like me, you've probably been thinking more about this issue than you ever would have
  Health & Safety
Although Ponce de Leon will forever be known as the explorer looking for the fountain of youth, tells us there’s no historical evidence to show this was the reasons for his voyage to Florida back
  Kids & Technology
Here are some other battery-saving tips from Digital Trends that apply to any smartphone, and that shouldn’t affect regular usage much: Turn down the volume and screen brightness. Find
  Home & Garden
Recently I shattered a glass in the sink and I thought I had cleaned out all the broken glass, only to learn that a shard remained in the disposal. I discovered this when I turned on the disposal, heard it grind
  Home & Garden
I just figured out a really safe & easy way to dispose of hot bacon grease. Take a sheet of aluminum foil (2 if not heavy duty) and line a small bowl with it.   Carefully pour the hot bacon grease into
  Home & Garden
Have you noticed the Mosquitos are already out! Here is a homemade trap to help keep you and the kiddos from being a blood donor!!! HOMEMADE MOSQUITO TRAP: Items needed: 1 cup of water  1/4 cup of brown sugar
  Home & Garden
My kids love cereal but hate when it gets soggy. For Christmas I got them the Obol and let me tell you that we all love it!  You can use it for more than just cereal.  My kids eat cereal more now that
  Family Finance
With the current economic crises happening all over the world, it is important that we look for ways in which we can save as much money as possible and secure our financial futures.  One way to help you
  Family Finance
Monthly bills can be very frustrating at times, especially when they exceed your monthly budget. Maintaining high monthly bills may keep you in constant debt and once you are in debt, it is very difficult
  Family Finance
To live a frugal life means to live a life that is less expensive. There are many ways in which you can do this that will hardly affect your daily living habits, but will certainly put more money in your wallet
  Family Finance
If you are trying to cut costs and live a less expensive lifestyle, it is a good idea to start by looking at your grocery costs. Groceries are usually a big expenditure in many households and the fact that we cannot
  Family Finance
Saving money can be very difficult—especially when you are already living paycheck to paycheck. Saving every little bit you have requires a lot of discipline, but if you manage to do it, you will have no
  Home & Garden
This do it yourself kitchen command center was inspired by a pre-made version at  store  World Market. Find out how to make your own (do it yourself verison for cheaper)  as well to get your kitchen
"Raising teens can be soooo exhausting!"  I have heard so many parents make comments similar to these, but yet I just have not had any real problems with my teens.  My oldest son is now 21 and my youngest
  Marriage & Relationships
Get a FREE Valentine’s Day printable coupon Book of Love!  There are 2 versions available for you to print  Valentine’s Day Coupons: One version is with printed coupons that includes
  Kids & Technology
With the winter keeping most people indoors, so does the amount of exercise and activity level for the kids.  We have the Kinect for Xbox and that definitely makes the kids and my hubby and I break a sweat
  Health & Safety
Living in New England, we are dealing with another round of the flu, colds and sickness galore.  I hate using the over the counter medicine and with 2 kids in school, I can't keep my girls in a bubble but
  Home & Garden
Do you hate how stainless steel can't seem to stay fingerprint free?  I have found that WD-40 works great and you can use it sparingly to save money.  I am not happy with any of those stainless steel
  Health & Safety
I love the Lysol no touch handsoap system for the kitchen since I cook a lot of chicken and meat and I like the convenience of not touching the soap dispenser. However, at $3.99 a pop to buy the 8 oz soap refills
  Home & Garden
Are you looking fro a grandparent gift.  Kids grow so fast, and the holidays are the perfect time to look back and see how much they have grown each year. These fun handprint crafts are the perfect way to
Conversation is becoming a lost art in today's high-tech, electronic society. As a parent, you are your child's first and best instructor in how to communicate effectively through spoken dialogue. Family mealtime
  Home & Garden
If you're anything like me, you try to be careful about not adding too much unnecessary plastic to the landfill, but storing all those plastic shopping bags neatly can be a real challenge. Well, not anymore!
  Family Finance
We have all — at some point in our lives — run into financial trouble and needed money yesterday.  It is scary and stressful, but there are some things that you can do to come up with some money
  Family Finance
If you own your home, then you need to make sure that you are getting the most homeowner's insurance coverage for your money!  Do not wait until something goes wrong with your home to review your policy and
  Kids & Technology
We   got our first Roku Box a few months back.   I linked my Netflix and Hulu Plus accounts to the box in a matter of minutes. Set up was easy within 5 minutes  and the free content is
  Home & Garden
With Halloween just around the corner, have you been wondering what you can do differently with some of the delicious candy you have been seeing in the stores?  Maybe you would like some ideas of what to do
  Home & Garden
Are you looking for some  frugal easy homemade  Halloween customers that won’t break  the bank. has created step by step instructions for over 30 Halloween costumes. 
One of the major concerns that plague every good parent’s mind is child safety. It is our job as parents to do all that we can to protect our children. Unfortunately, that can prove more difficult in this
  Kids & Technology
Disney Epic Mickey is a MUST-HAVE for kids or adults who love Disney. This is a action-packed adventure where Mickey’s on a quest to become the worldwide favorite he is today. On the way, he travels through
  Kids & Technology
Mario Kart for Wii is a great multiplayer racing game for both boys and girls. The multiplayer feature is best for me since all three of my kids can play together at the same time. Variable difficulty levels make
  Home & Garden
This article gives some great ideas on how to find the perfect handyman for that job you have around the house, that you really can't spend a lot of money on. Senior centers, realtors, church or synagogue, boy
  Family Finance
Here's a quick to read article that warns you about six spending triggers and how to handle them. The article begins: "As Ramit Sethi, author of the bestselling book "I Will Teach You to be Rich," points out, lifestyle
  Family Finance
Hi everyone, Here is a special promotion from Chick-fil-a where you can go online and make a reservation for a free breakfast in your area. It's very quick and easy. All you need to do is put in your zip
  Kids & Technology
My son who is the non reader is also not the best math whiz either.  How do I get him to know the basic math facts.  In the olden days we would write out the math facts one by one now technology is
I bought this book for a friend of mine who is dealing with her son's separation anxiety.  The main character of this book is afraid to leave his Mommy and start school and this is written from the
I am a busy mom always of a beautiful boy always looking to share my knowledge with other moms. Are you a busy mom also?  Do you have an iPhone? If you have answered yes to both questions, I might have something
Do you ever wonder how long you can keep a food item. Well  worry no more. is great website that all answers on whether you should keep the food or toss it out.  For a when-to-toss guide
  Home & Garden
Many years ago, I got "hooked" in International Coffees. I still save the rectangular cans and their plastic lids. These make air tight, convenient storage for so many things and can be “redecorated&rdquo
  Home & Garden
Here's a great tip from my money saving ezine Dollar Stretcher: Updating Vinyl Shutters The navy blue vinyl shutters on our house were fading after 10 years and had turned into a 1980s country blue that I
  Family Finance
Cut down on your grocery costs with these money saving tips the next time you go food shopping! Coupons If you do not use grocery coupons, then you should start right now!  You can save hundreds, if not
  Family Finance
The following tips will help save you some extra gas money to keep cost down when planning your next trip or daily errands. Use Your Cruise Control as Much as Possible When you are constantly accelerating and
  Kids & Technology
Samsung Moment Smartphone I’ve owned a Samsung Smartphone by Sprint for nearly 2 years. I totally love the phone’s capabilities. I can manage documents, third party emails from varying accounts
  Home & Garden
Keurig Coffee Maker I’m a coffee connoisseur, so were my co-workers. After trying a Keurig coffee maker at a local restaurant, we all decided to chip in and get one for the office.  Best move we ever
  Home & Garden
OXO Good Grips Y Peeler makes a great addition to your utensil drawer. The grips is really comfortable, non slip and long enough to allow different grips for different fruits and veggies. The biggest problem I
  Home & Garden
Exergen temporal scanners  good for babies who have a hard time taking their temp!  I have three young boys, one of whom is autistic and won’t take a temp from any commonly used thermometers
  Home & Garden
How to get rid of Ants with Cinnamon   This Spring I have been having some problems with ants coming inside and in my driveaway. These pesky bugs really bother me and were starting to drive me crazy.   I
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