Blogs & Tips Parenting With all of today’s modern technology and the advent of social media, busy working mothers can stay in touch with friends and family across the country and all around the world. According to Pew Research   Parenting Do you remember the early toddler years when everything a child asked was “why”? In some twist of irony or fate, it often feels that our teens have regressed back to questioning everything with “why?&rdqu   Home & Garden Starting seeds indoors is a great activity to do with your kids this time of year. Not only can you save a lot of money by starting garden plants indoors, but the educational benefit is expansive. We have some   Home & Garden White distilled vinegar is an incredible eco-friendly household cleanser. Did you know it's naturally antibacterial and biodegradable? It will kill most molds, bacteria, germs and viruses. The acidity in vinegar   Parenting I received a Kindle over the holidays and much to my amazement, I am hooked. I thought I wouldn't be able to adjust to the lack of having a real book in my hands, but in fact, because of its size and mobility   Home & Garden We know there are times when you need to clean your bathroom in jiffy. We have a quick and easy checklist for you to tackle this job. Put all of your supplies into a bucket that is ready to go whenever you need   Parenting Getting dressed in the morning can mean tantrum time for many families. Each child has different temperaments when it comes to getting dressed for the day. Each of my children is totally different when it comes   Health & Safety Long cold winters can really dry out your hands & skin. If you are at your wits end and looking for a new remedy, this is a great list of recommendations & tips. We took a poll asking what people's favorite   Home & Garden I love making dog biscuits for my dogs. I think they love that I make them even more! This recipe is using all natural ingredients and that makes me feel good. Store-bought biscuits seem to have a lot of ingredients   Home & Garden Kids can learn from a very young age the benefits of going 'green'. Having compassion for our environment really starts early in life. Here are some easy ideas to get you started teaching your children what Eco-friendly   Home & Garden Chores are part of the course in a family. When you offer tasks to even the smallest of family members it teaches responsibility and care for their surroundings. We have gathered age appropriate chores to help   Home & Garden Are you having a hard time opening up your child's bedroom door these days? Well, your not alone. Is the clutter getting out of control? We have some ideas to help you bring back the bedroom you can actually move   Parenting I've recently been touched by some parents reaching out for support as they raise their special needs children. As a former special needs teacher, I have a special place in my heart for those children that   Health & Safety Are you noticing an upswing in fires in your community this winter? I sure am, as well as our fire department. According to the State of Massachusetts Fire Marshal Stephen Coan, "The winter months will   Parenting We know that new fathers need a little guidance in what exactly a new mother needs when caring for a newborn. Often, dads feel left out and early confidence building will encourage a father to take on parenting   Parenting There are many things we can do to protect our children online. Teenagers, most especially - don't fully understand, how their photos, videos and comments can potentially create problems. During this season of   Parenting When I was a teacher, I learned about this very cool idea—The Bias Free Classroom—I even had a guidebook from the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). I was delighted by   Home & Garden According to a recent poll, U.S. families voted for their favorite backyard activities. The top five included everything from grilling and swimming to games and such... You can find lots more fun ideas for   Parenting New, stay at home moms or dads will find that late afternoon until children's bedtime will be the most challenging hours of the day. These hours are often packed with routines (meal, bath, and bed) at a time   Parenting Bathrooms can be a very dangerous place for kids. We often take it for granted that our children will just be in those places for brief amounts of time, but it's imperative to childproof bathrooms as soon   Home & Garden I'm pulling out last years snowsuits and finding that the Velcro is filled with debris and not sticking. This probably isn't a new dilemma, but this can irritate youngsters trying to be independent   Kids & Technology Tux Math Command is a great free math game for kids that helps them practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you're familiar with the old Atari game "Missile Command," you can see from   Home & Garden It's always a delight to send my loved ones gifts in the mail for special holidays, birthdays and special milestones. However, it seems like the easiest part of this task is the actual shopping for the gifts. Shipping   Home & Garden Cold and wet winter weather requires extra preparation to keep our pets safe and happy. I often hear of animals being left outside for lengthy amounts of time and this is just not a healthy thing to allow for your   Health & Safety Winter is here and our driving habits make a shift from pretty easy, to unpredictable, sometimes dangerous conditions.
Often this time of year yields slippery, icy, and snow-covered roads. We want you to stay   Parenting Children love to give gifts to the people they love. The gesture of a gift means almost more than the actual gift, and the way a gift if presented can be as much of a treasure as what's inside. I love having   Parenting While most adults get a little anxious before a new experience, these feelings are often magnified in the minds of youngsters.
Imaginations can go wild at the thought of a visit to the doctor or dentist, or   Health & Safety Cold weather is here and the heat is on. Our wood stove is cranking and they notoriously dry out your home and it wreaks havoc on everyone's sinuses and tender noses.
Last winter, I discovered Ayr Saline   Kids & Technology Parenting Apps can offer busy parents some much needed help. We're all about finding ways to make life a little bit easier, aren't we?
We have some suggestions to make managing life easier with kids   Parenting The holiday season is a time to build lifelong memories with your family. Traditions building up to Christmas can be as memorable than Christmas day. This time helps you to bond and reconnect with loved ones, friends   Health & Safety Children need guidance and support when teaching them good fitness and nutrition habits.
There are many resources out there, but we picked our favorite 5 organizations that do it really well.
1. Let's   Parenting Preparation for toilet training is very key to a successful milestone of having your child use the potty by themselves.
Here are some simple potty training tips and items that are easy to do at home.
The   Home & Garden Having a clean car is nearly impossible when you have kids!
Give yourself some slack and know that with transporting kids, sports equipment and sometimes eating breakfast, lunch or dinner between activities   Family Finance Are you starting to save for your child's college education? I'm five years away from sending my first child to college. I have decided there is no better time than today to start saving.
Taking early   Parenting Do you shop in your very own town and community? Are you shopping local before your head to the big box stores? Did you know how beneficial it is to your local economy to spend money in your own small shops and   Home & Garden Fall cleanup isn't a favorite activity for our family, but it's an absolutely important task to complete before the first frost.
We have our top 5 outdoor tips to get you started:
Mow until the   Parenting No parent wants their child to get sick over the winter, here are 5 foods that will help keep your kids out of the doctor’s office.
The same plant that is used to ward off vampires is believed to help   Parenting Bringing up daughters is a unique journey for a father. There is no doubt there's a special bond. Parenting is a joint venture, but with fathers just as active participants as mothers, the outcomes   Health & Safety It's inevitable that your child will get sick during flu season. We have a few ideas for your youngsters in daycare to try and put their best foot forward to prevent the guaranteed   Home & Garden Our beloved pets are part of our family.
We have photographs of our dogs, parrots, and pony all over our home. We simply love and adore them, and feel so blessed to have them in our   Home & Garden Name brand dishwashing tablets are convenient, but very expensive.
These tablets are very easy to make at home. Each tablet will be around three cents each, so it's a significant savings   Family Finance One of the most valuable lessons you can teach your children is the value of money. Healthy and smart views about money will impact their future financial life.
There is no perfect lesson plan, but   Parenting I recently had a very scary emergency and needed to think on my feet! Thankfully, I have created this sheet a long time ago. So worth the time to do this.
Creating an Emergency Information Sheet is a valuable   Home & Garden Do you host family and friends for dinner? Do you fear the work it takes to host an event for more than 6 people?
We have a quick cleanup routine for you to follow. You will be able to   Parenting Children usually don't need any encouragement to play – it’s in their genes to do it, and offering toys in which to play safely is vital. Who doesn't like to play with toys? Did   Health & Safety “Help, I’m hurt!”
Have you ever heard those dreaded words in your home? And if so, do you have a first aid kit ready for an emergency at home? If not, it’s never   Parenting Recently, I noticed an interesting sign posted on a second grade classroom door in my daughter's school. It said, "How Full Is Your Bucket Today?"
I was curious about this and asked the classroom teacher   Health & Safety According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, choking is the leading cause of death among children under 3 years of age.
The statistics are alarming. Food, coins and toys top the list of culprits.    Home & Garden The stress and headache over misplaced items has been solved with Mabel's Labels.
Mabel’s Labels is an award-winning creator of fantastic labels for kids! Founded by four frustrated moms that needed   Home & Garden My husband is a weekend warrior.
While I appreciate all the wonderful home improvements my husband does, I also worry about him not using the proper safety protection. I know all too well of what 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home